The III Youth World championship in renju



1. The aim of the III Youth World championship is definition of strongest renju players among children and youth, renju propaganda.

2. The III Youth World championship is held in Arjeplog (Sweden) during July 30 - August 6 2000year.

3. The III Youth World championship is held by Renju International Federation (RIF) and Sweden Renju Federation.

4. The conditions of the III Youth World championship.

All participants are divided into 4 groups:

Group A: boys, born in 1982 - 1985;

Group B: boys, born in 1986 and after;

Group C: girls, born in 1982 - 1985;

Group D: girls, born in 1986 and after.

Playing system: Swiss system, 9 rounds.

Time control: 90 minutes for 30 moves (the control moves are 59 and 60) and bayomi 10 minutes for 10 moves.

5. Participants of the III Youth World championship. The winners and prizers of national youth championships and other selected tournaments are allowed to participate in the III Youth World championship. The representations of each country are determined by the RIF Central Committee decisions.

6. The places of participants are determined by:

n   number of points;

n   Buhgolts coefficient;

n   result of personal game.

In case of the equality of all indexes the places are divided.

7. 3 best players of each groups are rewarded with medals and cups, and all participants are rewarded with diplomas.

8. The accommodation and transport expenses are covered by sending organizations.