Renju tournament schedule within RIF

The Sports Commission within RIF is responsible for publishing renju
tournaments that will be calculated on the official RIF rating list.
On the RIF General Assembly in August 2003 it was decided that
tournaments will be published in three periods during the year,
January - May 15, May 16 - August and September - December and that
publishing should be done at least one month before the period
starts. For more information contact the Sports Commission, see below
the tournament list.

Tournaments, January - May 15, 2004


3-5	 Moscow Youth Championship, Russia
3-11     Team WC QT, Estonia
6-8      Open Christmas Tournament, Rybinsk, Russia
7-8      Open Tyumen Renju Cup, Russia
17-22	 New Year Cup, Zugres, Ukraine
18   	 Tokai Championship final match, Japan
18   	 Seiun-sen Tournament, Japan
25   	 Mikami Cup Tournament, Japan
31-1 Feb Baltic League, Jönköping, Sweden
Jan      Moscow Youth Championship, Russia
Jan-Feb  Chigulyovsk Renju Cup, Russia
Jan-Feb  St.Petersburg Championship (First League), Russia
Jan-Apr  Rybinsk Renju Cup, Russia
Jan-Jul  Estonian Cup, Estonia
Jan-Dec	 Swedish Cup 2004, Sweden


14-22    Open Russian Championship (High League) and
         Russian Championship for women, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Feb-Mar  Podyuga Championship, Russia
Feb-May  Moscow Renju Cup, Russia


7        Seiun-sen final, Japan
12-14    Nizhny Novgorod Open Tournament, Russia
14       Suisei-sen Tournament, Japan
21       Touryumon-sen Tournament, Japan
22       Tyumen Championship, Russia
25-29    Russian Youth Championship, Rybinsk, Russia
31-4 Apr Swedish Championship, Stockholm, Sweden
Mar      Chugoku Shinjin-ou-sen Tournament, Japan
Mar      Kyushu Shinjin-ou-sen Tournament, Japan
Mar-Apr  Ukrainian Cup, Ternopol, Ukraine
Mar-May  St.Petersburg Championship (High League), Russia


Apr	Estonian QT to EC, Estonia
Apr	Podyuga Team Championship, Russia
Apr	Suisei-sen final, Japan

May (first half)

1-5	Team World Championship and
	Open Russian Team Championship and
	International Tournament for women, Tyumen, Russia
9	Kanto Championship Tournament, Japan

Contact Sports Commission
If you have any question about a tournament above or if you have
information about other tournaments coming up, please contact the
person responsible for the country where the tournament is held
or will be held, according to below list:

Name		E-mail			Responsible for countries

Yoshihiro Iio	Japan

Pavel Salnikov		Armenia, Azerbaijan,
					Byelorussia, Russia,

Ants Soosõrv	Czech Republic, Estonia,
					Finland, Korea, Ukraine

Lu Xiao Chun	China

Stefan Karlsson	All other nations

Stefan Karlsson
Chairman of the Sports Commission, RIF