The Renju results page

From this page you can find links to some results from different renju tournaments in the world.

New results

This page will be updated very seldom and therefore the latest results you will find from the latest newspage or from old newspages. It is also possible to search the RIF pages using for example HotDog. Click on Expert first and then choose Location, Cyberplace and write there
Then search for something that you expect to find.

In Swedish

Swedish Magazine "Fem I Rad" with reports from several tournaments in Swedish

Old important tournaments

World Championship Tournaments
European Championship Tournaments
Japanese Meijin-Finals
Russian High League Final Tournaments
Swedish Championship Tournaments


Swedish Blitz Championship
Highest League in Russia
Malmö Battle
1st Open American Renju Championship via e-mail (Only list of participants)
Swedish Championship
Tokai and Keima Championship in Japan
Russian Young Championship
Highest League in S:t Petersburg
Japanese qualification tournament before WC
Latvia qualification tournament before WC
3rd Russian Women Championship
Baltic Cup for Teams
Swedish qualification tournament before WC - step 1
Swedish qualification tournament before WC - step 2
World Championship in Tallinn
Japanese Meijin-Sen Tournament
The Wettercup in Jönköping
The Swedish Cup
World Championship via e-mail
Swedish Team Championship
Baltic Championship Qualification Round
Japanese Meijin Final Games with links to photos of players (quicker loading)
Japanese Meijin Final Games with photos of players
Swedish Championship in Five-In-A-Row
First League of Russia
Report from Linköping Open 25th-26th of November 1995

In future

Future International Tournaments