The  7th  Renju  World  Championship  in  Kyoto



                           Sadanhojin  NIHON-RENJUSYA

                           the  7th  WC  Organized  Committee  

Happy  New  Year  !

  We  tell   you  the  information  on  the 7ht  WC.

  We  will  do  our  best  effort  to  welcome  more  Renju  friends.


1) Schedule

   3/ 8 (FRI)    arrival

   4/8 (SAT)    QT(1-3R) 

   5/8 (SUN)    QT(4-6R)

   6/8 (MON)    QT(7R)      Opening  Ceremony  &  meeting

   7/8 (TUE)    AT(1-2R)     WT(1-2R)

   8/8 (WED)   AT(3-4)       WT(3-4R)

   9/8 (THU)   AT(5-6)       WT(5-6R)    BT(1-3R)

  10/8 (FAI)    AT(7-8)       WT(7-8R)    BT(4-6R)

  11/8 (SAT)    AT(9-10)      WT(9R)     BT(7R)

  12/8 (SUN)    AT(11R)      Britz       Price  &  Closing  Ceremony

  13/8 (MON)   Depature


      Note ; QT  Qualification  Tournament , Swiss 7 Round.

            AT  Men's  Final .  Round - Robin.

            WT  Women'  Final .  Swiss 9 Round.

            BT  Kyoto  Renju  Open  Tounament . Swiss 8 Round.

            Britz   Open ,  Quickly  Game.


2)Entry  Fee

             all   20 $ (1 person)



       Kyoto - park - hotel

             Kyoto - city , higasiyama - ku  higasiyama - nanajyou          


                   Phon   81 (0)75 - 525 - 3111

                   Fax    81(0)75 - 551 - 4350



       Kyoto - park - hotel    40US$ / day ( with  breakfast)

   * Each  country  has  free  accomodation  for  following  persons.

        Two  Presidents

        AT - players

        Two WT - players


5)Dead- line  for  ENTRIES

       Tournaments   31, 3, 2001

       VISA          28, 2, 2001

      * Note : if  you  need  invitation  for  VISA,  please  tell  us



6)Entry  Form

        a ; Name , sex , date  of  birth

        b ; Address , Phone , Fax , E-mail

        c ; Nationality , Passport  NO

        d ; Oqupation , Place , Address phone

        e ; Renju  Dan - Kyu , RIF  rating , Career

           Ambitions (wishes , hope , etc )

        f ; Entry

               QT   AT  WT  BT  Britz  Accompany


Send  here

    32 - 1  Naginomori - tyou  Imakumano  Higasiyama - ku


           RIF  JAPAN  OFFICE

                   Fax     81 - (0) 75 - 525 - 0615



                       Nihon  Renjusya

                           President  HAYAKAWA  YOSHIMI 


            The  7th  WT  Organized Committee

                           President   SAWAI  TOSHIO








