To Renju fans in the world!

The 7th Renju World Championship in Kyoto

                                                              Middle report 1


                   The 7th WC Organized Committee, President Yoshimi Hayakawa

                                                    Chairperson Toshio Sawai 

Hello Renju fans!

  We are preparing WC so that everybody stays Kyoto with comfort and relax.

  12 countries have finished entries so far. We give the middle report 1. Please

make sure it even if you have already finished the entry.


1) Schedule

   3/8 (FRI) arrival

   4/8 (SAT) QT (1-3R) 

   5/8 (SUN) QT (4-6R)

   6/8 (MON) QT (7R) Opening Ceremony  & meeting

   7/8 (TUE) AT (1-2R) WT (1-2R)

   8/8 (WED) AT (3-4) WT (3-4R)

   9/8 (THU) AT (5-6) WT (5-6R) BT (1-3R)

  10/8 (FAI) AT (7-8) WT (7-8R) BT (4-6R)

  11/8 (SAT) AT (9-10) WT (9R) BT (7R)

  12/8 (SUN) AT (11R) Britz  Price & Closing Ceremony

  13/8 (MON) Departure


      Note; QT Qualification Tournament, Swiss 7 Round.

            AT Men’s Final.  Round - Robin.

            WT Women’ Final.  Swiss 9 Round.

            BT Kyoto Renju Open Tournament. Swiss 8 Round.

            Britz Open, Quickly Game.

And we plan to hold the “(Japanese) tea ceremony”(7/8), “To-sen(it means Japanese traditional game”(8/8) and bazaar (5-8/8).


2) To postpone the dead line of the entry

 We will postpone the dead line of the entry because of faster visa application.

End of April-----the country that needs visa

End of May-----the country that NOT needs visa

Entry Form

        a ; Name , sex , date  of  birth

        b ; Address , Phone , Fax , E-mail

        c ; Nationality , Passport  NO

        d ; Occupation , Place , Address phone

        e ; Renju  Dan - Kyu , RIF  rating , Career(of Renju)

           Ambitions (wishes, hope, etc)

        f ; Entry

               QT   AT  WT  BT  Britz  Accompany


These documents are necessary to apply for visa.

*I attach the entry states so far. Please tell me if something is wrong.


3) Note for applying for visa

We will send invitation around 20th of April. Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said it was bad to take visa too fast because it would be available for 3 month.


4) For participants!

We hope to show photos of participants as many as possible on the program. Please send your photos. Especially, players of AT,QT,WT must send it.


5) For the leader of delegation!

 We hope to show the introduction of the leader with his photo and comment. Please send us a short comment and photo by the end of May.


6) Place (Tournament and accommodation)

Both places are in Kyoto - park - hotel


 Kyoto - park - hotel 40US$ / day (with breakfast) àIt’s very cheap!

Entry fee is 20US$/person

All attendants of opening and closing ceremony are free.


That’s all. Thanks.                                      3rd /April/2001


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