


Place: Beijing, China

Date: 4th of August 1999

1. The Vice President Alexander Nosovsky declared the General assembly opened. Tommy Maltell was elected to be the chairman of the meeting.


2. Peter Jonsson was elected to the secretary of the meeting.


3. Election of three persons for the signing of the protocol: Viktor Kaufman, Hiroyuki Tatsutomi and Na Wei. Three scrutineers: Irene Einberg, Artis Gaujens and Hsien-chi Chung.

4. a) The agenda was approved.

b) The following persons had the right to vote:

Yoshimi Hayakawa Japan

Viktor Kaufman Russia

Peter Jonsson Sweden

Albert Pogosyan Armenia

Na Wei China

Chen Lung Chuan Chinese Taipei

Irene Einberg Estonia

Artis Gaujens Latvia

Andrey Khramov Uzbekistan

5. Annual report of the President.

6. Annual report from the Treasurer and the Auditor.

7. The work of the Central Committee for the two last years was approved.

8. a) The budget for the next two years was approved.

b) The member fees for the two next years was decided.

Founder Members: 200 USD Others: 50 USD.

c) Each old member gets the time to January 1 2000 to pay all old member fees that are not paid.

d) From January 1 2000 the following rules will be used very strict: To be regarded as a member the member fees should usually be paid within two months from the beginning of the period and at the latest in the middle of the period. For example the member fee for 990701- 000630 should be paid at the latest on December 31, 1999 and the member fee for 000701- 010630 should be paid before August 31 2000 and at the latest on December 31 2000.

e) If the member fee is not paid before the latest day the old member is not regarded as a member but the old member will be a member again exactly the day the old member will pay the fee before the end of the period.

f) If the old member tries to pay after a period which it has not paid for the old member has to apply again to be the member and this time the old member will only be adopted as a member when all old member fees are paid together with the new member fee in advance. All old member fees before July 1 1998 should not be counted.

g)An old member with an existing organization may be adopted as a connection country.

h) A person with very big interest to support Renju in his country may be adopted as a connection man.

9. Elections for the Central Committee:

President Tommy Maltell

Vice President Yoshimi Hayakawa

Vice President Alexander Nosovsky

General Secretary Peter Jonsson

Treasurer Stefan Karlsson

Auditor Lars B Melin

10. Decisions:

a) The number of players in AT 2001 should be 12.

b) To be added to #13 in the protocol from the GA 1997: These 20 places are personal places.

c) The organizing member has the right to a place in AT if it not has a national place or personal place from the previous WC.

d) If a member use the right to have one free player in AT the number of players from QT should be four.

11. The President read the reports from the commissions.

12. Decision: The Central Committee can replace members in the committees if they resign from the work or they if not fulfill their duties.

a) As a test for the coming two years the commissions have the right to make own decisions. In all commissions the three founder members have at least one place each. When making a decision in a commission the founder members have the right of veto.

13. b)Elections of chairmen and members of the Committees.


Chairman Oleg Fedorkin Russia

Members Bengt Asplund Sweden

Joachim Gaulitz Sweden

Tommy Maltell Sweden

Kazuto Hasegawa Japan

Alexander Nosovsky Russia

Teiji Takagawa Japan

Yurij Tarannikov Russia

Ando Meritee Estonia

Chien-Yung Chiang Chinese Taipei

The commission should investigate and decide which server that should be used for the next email WC.


Chairman Konstantin Nikonov Russia

Members Kazuto Hasegawa Japan

Stefan Karlsson Sweden

Na Wei China

Ants Soosorv Estonia

Viktor Kaufman Russia



Chairman Alexei Skuridin Russia

Members Hiroyuki Tatsutomi Japan

Hideki Nara Japan

Peter Jonsson Sweden

Andrei Khramov Uzbekistan

Dino Hsu Chinese Taipei

Ants Soosorv Estonia

Artis Gaujens Latvia

Na Wei China

Anders Henningsson Sweden

Albert Pogosyan Armenia

The commission will make a suggestion for additonal rules for international tournaments (with practical examples). Anders Henningsson will initiate this task.


Chairman Alexei Skuridin Russia

Members Hiroyuki Tatsutomi Japan

Na Wei China

Ants Soosorv Estonia

Anders Bertilsson Sweden

Valentin Uspenski Ukraine

Shih-Wen Li Chinese Taipei


Chairman Yoshimi Hayakawa Japan

Members Yurij Tarannikov Russia

Mikhail Kozhin Russia

Ando Merittee Estonia

Peter Jonsson Sweden

Andrei Khramov Uzbekistan

Norihiko Kawamura Japan

The commission will make a suggestion for grammatical changes in the present rules.


Chairman Bengt Asplund Sweden

Members Kazuto Hasegawa Japan

Sergei Smirnov Russia

Na Wei China

Ants Soosorv Estonia

Lung-Chuan Chen Chinese Taipei



Chairman Peng Jian Guo China

Members Norio Nishizono Japan

Mikhail Kozhin Russia

Ando Meritee Estonia

Irene Einberg Estonia

Peter Jonsson Sweden

The Comm ission should within a year translate the book “Click of stones?/P>


Chairman Ants Soosorv Estonia

Members Peter Jonsson Sweden

Mr Poddubny Ukraine

Viktor Kaufman Russia


Chairman Yoshimi Hayakawa Japan

Members Andrey Khramov Uzbekistan

Hsien-Chi Chung Chinese Taipei

Na Wei China

Albert Pogosyan Armenia

Alexander Nosovsky Russia

14. Decision: Every Chairman of a RIF Commission have to send a report to the President about the commission activity before May 10 every second year (2001, 2003?).

15. Decision: RIF will organize the following tournaments:

Team World Championship in Tallinn, Estonia in May 2000. Russia and Estonia have the right to take part with two teams each.

Youth World Championship in Arjeplog, Sweden in July 2000. Additionally it will be a open tournament (rated).

About European Championship. The Central Committee will decide it later. The two candidates are Ukraine and England.

Youth European Championship in Ukraine 2001.

A ”test tournament?in Ukraine in December 1999. Sports Commission makes a suggestion for suitable dates and the Central Committee decides.

World Championship in Japan August 2001.

INFORMATION: Candidates for YWC 2002, Russia and WC 2003, Chinese Taipei.

16. Decision about the Woman World Championship. The Champion has a personal place 2001. Every member can take part with maximum five players. Other nations maximum one player.

17. Decision. The World Team Championship in Armenia 1998 is valid. Russia is still considered as World Champion.

18. The President declared the General Assembly to be closed.


¡¡¡¡Secretary Chairman Signed


Peter Jonsson Tommy Maltell Na Wei


Signed Signed


Hiroyuki Tatsutomi Viktor Kaufman
