Third World Championship in Renju among computer programs will start at 28-30 of July Moscow Russia !!!

There are two World Championships :

Tournament and Problems Solving.


Each participant of WC Solving send one problem to Organizers and then organizers add some problems that Total number of Problems become 10.

It is not "Tsume" Renju Competition - it is possible to use problems with "pauses" - moves after that there is VCT win. But there is only one such kind of problem N2 send by Zang Tongihang (China, Japan, Tokyo), other problems can be solved in Tsume Renju style.

Computers CPU Celeron 600 and RAM 96 MB are used for testing.

Programs have to show all main variant not more then 1 hour.


Can you solve it  ?

Sometimes additional stones is necessary, sometimes it were added to prevent using Computer Bases of real games from which this position are.


Problem N 1

White move












Problem N2

Black move




Problem N3 White move







Problem N4

Black move.


Problem N5

Black move.









Problem N6

Black move.

Problem N7

Black move










Problem N8

White move.


Problem N9

White move








Problem N10

Black move