1. Opening of the General Assembly.


  1. Election of the Chairman of the General Assembly.


  1. Election of the Secretary for the General Assembly.


  1. Election of three persons who should check the protocol.


  1. Election of three scrutineers who should count the votes, if necessary.


  1. Approval of the agenda.


  1. Roll call.


  1. Adoption of new members, if any. The new members do have the right to vote at the General Assembly from now on.


  1. Reports from the President, the Treasurer and the Auditor.


  1. Approval of the work of the Central Committee for the last two years.


  1. Budget and membership fees.


  1. Election of the Central Committee. The Russian Federation suggests Pavel Salnikov to be Vice President and Ants Soosorv to be the General Secretary. The Chinese Federation suggests Na Wei to be Vice President (however the application came to the President on June 28).


  1. Discussion/decision about the new RIF webmaster from January 1 2006.


  1. Should RIF reprint the book “Five-In-A-Row/Renju”. The offer from the printing company “Preses Nams Corp” is as follows.


a)      Hard cover: 500 books = 16895 SEK, 1000 books = 19782 SEK

b)      Soft cover: 500 books = 14295 SEK, 1000 books = 16732 SEK.

Notice that it is without the work of scanning the pages into for example Publisher program.


  1. Vice President Anders Henningsson suggests that RIF should stop organizing female championships. The motivation is that it is not necessary to have separation by sex in an intellectual sport.


  1. Proposals from Vice President Anders Henningsson in order to make the work of the Central Committee more efficient


a)      Limit the number of members in each commission to three and clearly specify their responsibilities and authorities in separate documents.

b)      Limit Central Committee to five persons again (if it does not create any problems). It has not been a problem for two years, but an even number could make decisions difficult. Clearly specify their responsibilities and authorities in separate documents for each position and the CC as a whole.

c)      Each person in CC and the Chairman of each commission MUST send a monthly report (by the 25:th) to the President about what activities that have been done. Even if it is just a mail saying “Done nothing”. The President is then responsible to put together a monthly report about what has been done this month. This can go out with Newsletter and then reach all persons used to be in the commissions before the suggested above change.

d)      In addition to the Asian Commission, the Correspondence Commission, the Sports Commission, the Referee Commission, the Youth Commission, the Rules Commission, the Qualification Commission, the Translation Commission and the European Commission, I want to add two more commissions:

1)    The PR Commission. Suggested members are Ando Meritee, Anders Henningsson and Irina Metreveli. This commission has the task to promote RIF and Renju in different parts of the world.

2)    The CC-Audit Commission. Suggested members are Ants Soosorv, Marko Pellikka and Vladimir Sushkov. They have to audit the performance of CC based on the monthly reports sent out by the President and the general impression they have.

e)      I also would like to make a plan for the coming two years for what activities that need to be made. It should be approved by CC itself and the CC-Audit Commission should audit the plan itself and how well it was followed.


  1. Decision of the place for future RIF official championships.

a)      Team World Championship 2006. Korea is candidate.

b)      World Championship 2007. Tyumen, Russia is candidate.

c)      Asian Championship

d)      Youth World Championship

e)      European Championship.

China is a candidate for one or more of the tournaments a-d.


  1. Reports from the Commissions.


  1. Election of the commissions.


  1. Suggestion from the Sports Commission about  regulations for RIF Championships. The suggestion will be published in Renju Newsletter on July 21.


  1. The question about new opening rules. This question should be parted into separate points.


a)      Should RIF continue to search for new opening rules?

b)      Should RIF follow the decision made in Vadstena or should RIF follow the proposal from Ando Meritee,  the Chairman of the Rules Commission?


Meritee’s proposal: “It means, after GA 2005, all RIF member countries may send as many examples of new rules to our commission as they wish, together with detailed description and a "nickname" for easy usage. At December 31, 2005, the the list will be closed. It means, no more suggestions can be added after that day. The idea of closing the list is to make people more constructive, and focus on what we have by then, trying to make the best of it.

Our commission will exclude from list all the suggestions of rules, which are in conflict with basic principles of making rules (as Mr Tarannikov wrote 2 years ago). The rules suggestions, which are acceptable by those criterias, will stay in that list.

Then, in January 1, 2006, we will publish the list with rules which are appropriate and valid, and all RIF countries can see them, and start discussing both nationally and internationally. In 2006 TWC, the General Assembly could proceed with voting among those listed candidates. Whatever vote gets a majority, will become a new official opening rule, unless veto is used.


If veto is used by any of founder members, then the whole process has to start over or even stopped.

If RIF decides to stop the investigation and postpone it for unclear time, we can suggest all renju sites (such as ORC, renju offline, gambler , LLIO site, etc) to take down all alternative rules (sakata, tarannikov, yamaguchi, and others) and continue with RIF official rules only, until a new "start of investigation" is ordered by RIF.”


If we choose to continue the decision made at GA 2003, it is necessary to decide maximum five CFOR (candidate for opening rules)


  1. Closing of the General Assembly




Peter Jonsson, President of RIF