meeting 4.08.2005, Tallinn
1. Opening of the General
Assembly - Done
2. Election of the Chairman of
the General Assembly – Peter Jonsson
3. Election of the Secretary for
the General Assembly – Sander Sulane
4. Election of three persons who
should check the protocol – Alyona Yakovleva, Yuriy Tarannikov, Hiroshi Okabe
5. Election of three scrutineers
who should count the votes, if necessary – Stefan
Karlsson, Ester Eggert, Yoshihiro Iio
6. Approval of the agenda - approved
7. Roll call - Chinese
Taipei – Wang Chin-Kung, Russia – Yuriy Tarannikov, Sweden – Peter Jonnson,
Estonia – Ester Eggert, Japan – Hiroshi Okabe
8. Reports from the President,
the Treasurer and the Auditor - Done
9. Approval of the work of the
Central Committee for the last two years – Approved
10. Approval of the budget and
membership fees – Approved
11. Voting to change Central
Commitee to 5 members – Disapproved (
12. One member of Central
Commitee will resign, Alexander Nosovsky. The president expressed his gratitude
for Mr. Nosovskys work in RIF for the last 17 years.
13. Election of Central Commitee:
Should we add 1 more vice president – NO
(votes: 1 positive, 2 neutral, 2 against), Central Commitee members - NO change (votes: 4 positive, 1 neutral )
President Peter Jonsson
Vice President Norihiko Kawamura
Vice President Pavel Salnikov
Vice President Anders Henningsson
Treasurer Stefan Karlsson
General Secretary Ants Soosõrv
14. New Webmaster – Ando Meritee ( 5 positive votes )
15. Book: RIF should reprint the
book „Five-In-A-Row/Renju“ in 1000 copies for the cost of 16732 SEK.
16. Should RIF stop organizing
female championships ? ( votes : 0
positive ) Disapproved
17. Limiting the number of
members in a commission to three – (
votes: 0 positive ) Disapproved
18. Each person in CC and the
Chairman of each commission MUST send a
report after every 3 month(March, July, September, December by the 25th
) to the President about what activities that have been fone: (votes:
5 positive votes ) Approved
19. Adding two more commissions:
The PR Commission : (votes: 1 positive, 2 against )Disapproved , The
CC-Audit Comission ( votes : 0 positive)Disapproved
20. RIF organizing Go-Moku
tournaments? Central Commitee will investigate and make the proposal for the
next meeting 2006 (votes : 3 positive, 2
neutral ) Approved
21. Team World Championship 2006 in Estonia, Asian Championship in Korea,
Youth World Championship 2006 in China, World Championship 2007 in Tyumen,
European Championship 2006 in Poland. If
these countries disagree, CC must find substitute countries by the latest Sept.
30. (votes: 4 positive) Approved
22. Asian Comission
Chairman Mr. Nara
Vice Chairman Mr. Henningsson
Members – Mr. Khramov, Mr. Chang,
Mr.Poghosyan, Mr. Na Wei, Mr. Potapov, Mr. Hasegawa, Mr. Gluhovsky, Mr. Eibatov
23. Correspondence Commision
Chairman Mr. Potapov
Member Mr. Salnikov
24. Sports Comission
Chairman Mr. Karlsson
Members Mr. Iio, Mr. Salnikov, Mr.
25. Referee Comission
Chairman Mr. Skuridin
Members Mr. Soosõrv, Mr. Wallgren
26. Youth Comission
Chairman Mr. Soosõrv
Members Ms. Metreveli, Mr. Ono, Mr.
27. Rules Comission
Chairman Mr. Meritee
Members Mr. Jonsson, Mr. Tarannikov,
Mr. Kawamura
28. Qualification Comission
Chairman Mr. Stepanov
Member Mr. Smirnov
29. Translation Comission
Chairman Mr. Henningsson
Member Mr. Meritee
30. European Comission
Chairman Mr. Jonsson
Members Mr. Soosõrv, Mr. Saarenpää
31. Internet Comission
Chairman Mr. Meritee
Member Ms. Eggert
32. RIF will apply for being a
registrated organisation in Sweden.
33. Regulations for international
championships. YWC age groups problem will be discussed in Youth Comission.
34. RIF adopted the suggestion
from The Sports Comission for RIF championships with the exception of youth
world championship (votes: 5 positive) Approved
New opening rules. A) There is a need for new opening
rules (votes: 5 positive) Approved b)
The old agenda for changing rules will be changed for quicker process suggested
by Ando Meritee. Meritee’s proposal: “It means, after GA 2005, all
Our commission will
exclude from list all the suggestions of rules, which are in conflict with
basic principles of making rules (as Mr Tarannikov wrote 2 years ago). The
rules suggestions, which are acceptable by those criterias, will stay in that
Then, in
If veto is used by any
of founder members, then the whole process has to start over or even stopped.
35. The General Assembly was closed.
RIF BUDGET 2005 can be found at http://www.renju.nu/GA2005/FinancialReport.htm
Sander Sulane
Peter Jonsson
Alyona Yakovleva
Yuriy Tarannikov
Hiroshi Okabe