Parts of a letter from Mr Hayakawa:

(1) I am not interested to the RIF president and I have no other candidate of president from Japan.
(2) I will resign RIF vice-president with nomination of the next person after finishing WCH7. 
I think it will be Hasegawa or Kawamura, but I am not sure they can accept it or not as both of them are very busy. I should be check their will on the NRF general assembly on May 27th. And It will be decided on that assembly.
(3) I will resign the chairman of Asian comittee of RIF. I nominate Mr,Nara to the next chairman.
(4) I think it is much better to choose the next president that those who have the will to be the president. So it will be desided on the RIF GA.

Yoshimi Hayakawa
President of Nihon Renju Federation