RIF General Assembly Decisions



PLACE: St Petersburg, Russia

DATE: 4-5th August, 1997


1. The Vice President Alexandr Nosovsky declared the General Assembly opened. Alexandr Nosovsky was appointed to be the chairman of the meeting.The agenda for the General Assembly was approved.

2.Peter Jonsson was elected for secretary of the meeting.

3.Election of three persons for the signing of the protocol: Norihiko Kawamura, Konstantin Nikonov and Aldis Reims.

 4.Roll-call. The following persons had the right to vote.

Yoshimi Hayakawa Japan
Albert Pogosyan Armenia
Nikolai Ponomarenko Ukraine
Viktor Kaufman Russia
Felix Degtiar Byelorussia
Irene Einberg Estonia
Aldis Reims Latvia
Peter Jonsson Sweden
Na Wei China

 5.Annual report from the President.

 6.Annual report from the Treasurer and the Auditor.

 7.Approval of the work of the Central Committee for the last two years.

 8.The budget for the next year was approved with the exception for that the European Commission got 5000 SEK and that the Translation Commission got 1500 SEK for expences.The membership fees will be the same as before.200 USD for founder members and 50 USD for others.

 9. The following persons were elected for the Central Committee.

PRESIDENT Tommy Maltell
VICE PRESIDENT Yoshimi Hayakawa
VICE PRESIDENT Alexandr Nosovsky
TREASURER Stefan Karlsson
AUDITOR Lars B. Melin

10. The following commissions will work within RIF for the coming two years.

a) THE RULES COMMISSION. It should work with the playing rules and also investigate possibilities for new rules.

Chairman: Aldis Reims, Latvia.

Other members: Norihiko Kawamura, Japan Kazuto Hasegawa, Japan

Yurij Tarannikov, Russia Mikael Kozhin, Russia

Ando Meritee, Estonia Arsen Avetisyan, Armenia

Sergei Varov, Armenia Nikolai Ponomarenko, Ukraine


b) THE SPORTS COMMISSION. It should work with the organization of international tournaments and also recommend which of the tournaments who should be counted in the rating list.

Chairman: Konstantin Nikonov, Russia

Other members: Kazuto Hasegawa, Japan Viktor Kaufman, Russia

Stefan Karlsson, Sweden Na Wei, China

Arnis veidemanis, Latvia Ants Soosorv, Estonia

Albert Pogosyan, Armenia Nikolai  Ponomarenko, Ukraine


c) THE CORRESPONDENCE COMMISSION:It should investigate and decide eventual new rules for the next WC via e-mail.

Chairman: Norihiko Kawamura, Japan.

Other Members: Oleg Fedorkin, Russia. Yurij Tarannikov, Russia

Tommy Maltell, Sweden Ando Meritee, Estonia

Aldis Reims, Latvia Na Wei, China

Albert Pogosyan, Armenia Vladimir Kolesnik, Ukraine

Rickard W. Rognlie, USA


d) THE QUALIFICATION COMMISSION. It will work with the rating list and make suggestions for the General Assembly in case of new rules.

Chairman: Bengt Asplund, Sweden

Other Members: Kazuto Hasegawa, Japan Sergei Smirnov, Russia

Felix Degtiar, Byelorussia Na Wei, China

Ants Soosorv, Estonia Artis Gaujens, Latvia

Nerses Grigorian, Armenia Nikolai Ponomarenko, Ukraine


e) THE TRANSLATION COMMISSION. The task will be to try to translate Renju rules into each language of the connection men. If possible it will also translate the book “ The Click Of Stones” into English.

Chairman: Na Wei, China

Other Members: Norio Nishizono, Japan Alexandr Nosovsky, Russia

Ando Meritee, Estonia Gatis Gurtskis, Latvia

Albert Pogosyan, Armenia Oleg Mostovlansky, Byelorussia


f) THE EUROPE COMMISSION. It will try to start Renju activities in new countries and also help other european “not established countries” to develop Renju activities.

Chairman: Peter Jonsson, Sweden

Other Members: Alexandr Nosovsky, Russia Ants Soosorv, Estonia

Albert Pogosyan, Armenia Nikolai Ponomarenko, Ukraine


g) THE REFEREE COMMISSION: It will see that a system for referee categories will be set up. National federations should apply for candidates for international referees. In future all international championships must have an appointed international referee. The chairman should be the referee of the WC via e-mail and when difficult problems occure he should ask the commission for help.

Chairman: Alexei Skuridin, Russia

Other members: Hiroyuki Tatsutomi, Japan Pavel Salnikov, Russia

Felix Degtiar, Byelorussia Ants Soosorv, Estonia

Artis Gaujens, Latvia Nikolai Ponomarenko, Ukraine

Albert Pogosyan, Armenia


h) THE YOUTH COMMISSION. It should work with youth activities.

Chairman: Alexei Skuridin, Russia

Other members: Hiroyuki Tatsutomi, Japan Anders Bertilsson, Sweden

Na Wei, China Ants Soosorv, Estonia

Gurgen Karapetyan, Armenia Valentin Uspensky, Ukraine


11. The proposal for new rating rules was approved. 

Summary: All new players must play at least ten games against players who have rating . All new players must also get at least three points in those games. Games with the minimum time 30 min can be used for rating calculation. All tournaments since Aug 1988 will be recalculated. The calculation of the rating list will be made after each single tournament and this list should be included in RIF:s web page. RIF members will recieve this list three times a year.


12. Decisions about future RIF Championships:

a) World Championship 1999 CHINA

b) World Championship 2001 JAPAN

c) World Team Championship 1998 ARMENIA

d) World Youth Championship 1998 CHINA

( July 26 - Aug 1)

e) European Championship 1998 ESTONIA

13. From the start by the Qualification Tournament of 2001 all the top 20 players in RIF:s International Ratinglist by May 1 2001 are allowed to take part in this tournament. Those players, however must take part in at least 10 rated games for the period of May 1 2000 to April 30 2001.

14. From the start by 1998 Uzbekistan players can take part in the European Championship.

15. Mr Na Wei informed about Youth Championship in 1998. All participants and their coaches will have free food, lodging and transport within China. In connection with this tornament it will be a open friendship tournament.

 16. The Chairman declared the General assembly closed’

 Chairman                         Signed                           Signed                    Signed

 Alexandr Nosovsky Norihiko Kawamura Konstantin Nikonov Aldis Reims


Peter Jonsson


PLACE: Estonia, Tallinn

DATE: 2nd August, 1995


Yoshimi Hayakawa Japan

Viktor Kaufman Russia

Peter Jonsson Sweden

Ulle Harju Estonia

Artis Gaujens Latvia

Viktor Kaufman Byelorussia (White Russia)


Stefan Karlsson, Kazuto Hasegawa, Hiroyuki Tatsutomi, Masao Mitsumori, Toshio Sawai,

Aleksei Skuridin, Andrei Sokolski, Irina Metreveli, Oleg Stepanov, Anders Bertilsson,

Björn Wallgren, Aleksandr Nosovky, Hsien-Chi Chung, Na Wei, Albert Pogosyan and Konstantin Nikonov.

#1 Opening of the General Assembly. Peter Jonsson was elected to be the chairman.

#2 Viktor Kaufman was elected to be the meeting's secretary.

#3 Persons to check the minutes: Yoshimi Hayakawa, Konstantin Nikonov and Artis Gaujens.

#4 The agenda was approved and roll-call was made.

#5 Annual report from the President.

#6 Annual report from the Treasurer and the Auditor.

#7 The work of the Central Committee for the last two years was approved.

#8 The budget for the coming two years was approved. The meeting decided to change the memberfeees to 200 US $ for founder-members and to 50 US $ for other members.

#9 The following persons were elected as officials for the next coming two years:

President Tommy Maltell

Vice President Yoshimi Hayakawa

Vice President Alexandr Nosovsky

General Secretary Peter Jonsson

Treasurer Stefan Karlsson

Auditor Lars B. Melin

#10 The Arjeplog office will be closed down from now on and the six permanent commissions will rest during the coming two years.

#11 Decision: A world Youth Championship will be held in July 1996 in Russia. It will be two age classes - one for up to 14 years and one for 15-18 years.

A commission was established and it will give the proposals before December 31st, 1995.

The Chairman will be Mr Alexei Skuridin and the other members will be Mr Anders Bertilsson

and Mr Hiroyuki Tatsutomi.

#12 a: The three best players of the Open Tournament (OT) will have personal places at the next Qualification Tournament (QT).

b: The five best players of the QT will play in the A-tournament (AT).

c: The places from 2 to 7 in the AT are national ones; any RIF-member has not more than three national places (NP) and any other country no more than one.

d: Extra places will be exchanged into additional NP in the next QT; In that case the place number 8 and so on will pass to the next places in the AT.

#13 It was decided that the European Championship will be held every year. This year it will be held in S:t Petersburg in December. The precise dates will be decided by the Central Committee before August 31st, 1995.

#14 It was decided that a Team World Championship should be held. Each team consist of 4 players (+ 1 reserve). Recommended time - summer, next year. A Team commission was established: Chairman - Pavel Salnikov and persons from Japan and Latvia. The Commission will give proposals before December 31st, 1995.

#15 It was decided that France should be excluded from RIF because France haven't payed the member-fee and have not showed any interest in connections with RIF during the last two years.

About the other countries that have not payed the member-fee (Armenia, Azerbaijan)...it was decided that in next World Championship only one player from each of these countries can participate. They also lost the right to vote. If they pay memberfees their rights will be returned.

#16 The new international rating list is not ready yet, but when it will be accomplished by

Bengt Asplund, it will be sent to all National Federations.

#17 WC-1997. Japan's delegation informed the General Assembly that if any country - Latvia, Russia, etc. will hold WC-1997, they will give to this country 500 000 Japanese yens (>5000 US $).

Application for being the organizer of WC 1997 must reach the Central Committee before May 31st, 1996.

#18 During the World Chamionship in 1997 there will be a separate Women World Championship.

The Central Committee should make all details for qualification, time rules and so on.

#19 The Central Committee informed about:

Renju Newsletter.

Renju For Beginners. The new edition is ready now and RIF bought 300 copies for the total sum of 900 US $.

Computer programs.

WC by e-mail. This tournament starts in September-October.

Mr Hayakawa spoke about the new rules for the Meijin-Sen.

Referee qualification.

The renju book of code. Mr Skuridin will translate the Russian version and present it for the Central Committee.

#20 Closing of the General Assembly.

Chairman Peter Jonsson

Secretary Viktor Kaufman

Signed Yoshimi Hayakawa

Signed Konstantin Nikonov

Signed Artis Gaujens

Comments from Tommy Maltell:

1. I have talked with Peter Jonsson about:

#5e from the RIF Extra General Assembly in Riga on August 7, 1992:

"The organizing federation for the World Championship has one free place in the A-tournament, if the federation does not have any PP(Personal Places) or NP(National Places)."

There were no suggestions on the General Assembly 1995 to change this rule so it is still in force. It means that for example if Byelorussia (White Russia) will be the organizer Byelorussia will get one free place in the A-tournament and that only the four best players of the QT will play in the A-Tournament.

If you have any comments regarding this point, please, send them to me as soon as possible.

2. On another page you will find information about how to buy the book "Renju For Beginners". RIF will send this book without cost for the addressee to libraries around the world. However, we cannot send to all libries and to how many is not decided yet. The rest of the books will be sold to single players. If you have any good suggestions where to find a list to good libries for this purpose or if you know addresses to special libraries that you recommend, please, let me know.

3.In #19 Mr Hayakawa spoke about the new opening rules for the Meijin-Sen.The new rule is as follows:

In starting the game the tentative Black plays all the first three moves (two for black and one for white)i.e. he decides which of the 26 patterns that will be used.(Instead of #12.2-12.4 in the official rules of RIF). Then the tentative White decides which of the players that will play as Black and as White in the game (White has the right to change sides).This is the same as #12.5 in the official rules of RIF and the following opening rules are also the same as before.