A renju problem is either a VCT (Win by Continuous or Consecutive Threats)-problem or a
VCF (Win by Continuous or Consecutive Fours) -problem. All problems on this page are
VCT-problems i.e. you must solve the problem by one or several of the following threats: a
three, a four, a mise (a move threatening to make a four-three, a fukumi (a move which
threatens to win by making consecutive fours i.e. fours one after another), a trap (a move
that leads to a forbidden move for black because black is not allowed to play in a certain
intersection). To make just a good developing move that is not one of the threats
mentioned above is not allowed in a VCT-problem. If such moves should be allowed it should
for many difficult problems take to much time to analyze and correct the anwers.
A VCF-problem must be solved by making series of consecutive fours (fours one after
Here are 20 renju problems with answers.Problem 15 and 20 are VCF-problems. The other problems are VCT-problems. Only the most difficult variation is shown in the answers. In problem 18, where you can win in more than one way the shortest way to win is the answer. You can use these problems to check if you have understood the rules. You can also use them to check your skill. The problems comes from the book "Letīs enjoy ....Renju" by Mr Khohei Asano. This book was given as a gift to the participants of the 1st World Championship in Kyoto.
On this page you will also find 4 renju problems witout answers. You are able to solve
them and send your answers to RIF. If your answer includes
4 right answers you will be appointed 5 kyu,
3 right answers you will be appointed 6 kyu,
2 right answers you will be appointed 7 kyu,
1 right answer you will be appointed 9 kyu.
To be able to receive the above mentioned title the conditions is that you must send the answers together with your e-mail address, usual mailing address, telephone number to the e-mail address mentioned below.
Easy problem. White to move (18).
Medium problem. White to move (8).
The pearl of free renju. Black to move (27).
Difficult problem. Black to move (15).
When you send the answers you only have to tell the next move for the player to make
the move. When you tell this move you have to use a co-ordinate system using the following
horizontal letters from left: o,n,m,l,k,j,i,h,g,f,e,d,c,b,a and using the following
vertical numbers from above: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15. i.e.
the upper left corner intersection has the name o1,
the upper right corner intersection has the name a1,
the bottom left corner intersection has the name o15,
the bottom right corner intersection has the name a15,
the center intersection has the name h8.
If you do not understand how to write you are able to see a renjugram using such co-ordinates (64 Kb).
Example of answer:
Rif problems answers:(Answer to problem no 1 is first and so on) k3,d2,e5,k6
My name is ?
My mailing address is ?
My telephone number is ?
My e-mail address is ?