Renju Newsletter No 1-14 1998

Date sent:        Mon, 16 Feb 1998 20:00:40 +0000

Renju Newsletter No 14 - 1998

Results from Swedish Blitz Championship
played on 14th of February 1998

1. Ando Meritee Estonia (Has not Swedish membership)
2. Stefan Karlsson Stockholm - Swedish Champion
3. Goeran Holgersson - Joenkoeping
4. Anders Bertilsson - Hoegsjoe
5. Rickard Johannesson - Joenkoeping 


Renju Newsletters to the following subsribers have been followed by 
messages that the subscriber is unknown on the domain or that the 
domain does not exist. I ask these 3 players to send me a message 
that they still receive Renju Newsletter. If I do not receive answer 
from these players I have to take these 3 subscribers away from 
subscriber list.

If anyone else knows anything about new e-mail address for 
these 3 players, please, let me know


Date sent:        Mon, 16 Feb 1998 01:29:59 +0000

Renju Newsletter No 13 - 1998
On the 14th of February  The Swedish Blitz Championship was played. 
No one has so far sent me the results. I hope some of the Swedish 
players  who knows the results are able to send them to me so I can 
forward them in a Renju Newsletter.
     Dear all Renju players,     
     The 3rd World Youth Championship will be held in Beijing, China soon. 
     The organizing committee is now welcome Renju players from all over 
     the world to come to China for this tournament. Following is our 
     details about the tournament:
     Date: Aug.2-9, 1998
     Aug.1      The Organizing Committee is ready to welcome players
     Aug.2      18:00   Opening Ceremony
     Aug.3      9:00    Man's team Group A & B  Round 1
                        Woman's team            Round 1
                14:30   Man's team Group A & B  Round 2
                        Woman's team            Round 2
     Aug.4      9:00    Man's team Group A & B  Round 3
                        Woman's team            Round 3
                14:30   Man's team Group A & B  Round 4
                        Woman's team            Round 4
     Aug.5      9:00    Man's team Group A & B  Round 5
                        Woman's team            Round 5
                14:30   Man's team Group A & B  Round 6
                        Woman's team            Round 6
     Aug.6      9:00    Man's team Group A & B  Round 7
                        Woman's team            Round 7
                14:30   Man's team Group A & B  Round 8
                        Woman's team            Round 8
     Aug.7      Visit The Grate Wall and the Summer Palace
     Aug.8      9:00    Man's team Group A & B  Round 9
                        Woman's team            Round 9
                The tournament will be broadcasted by China Central         
                14:00   Guinness Record -- 1 VS 300 opponents at the same time 
                        Mr. Ando Meritee (to be decided)
                18:00   Closing Ceremony
     Woman's team: Age 18 to 3
     Man's team
     Group A: Age 18 to 14
     Group B: Age 13 to 3
     1. The black makes 3 moves
     2. 90 minutes for both of the players within one round
     3. Each player must finish 20 moves within 90 minutes
     4. 10 moves within 10 minutes for extra play
     All players will be staying in WINTERLESS HOTEL (4 stars). We offer 
     all players and trainers free hotel tariff from Aug.1,98 to Aug.9,98. 
     Other members accompanied will be enjoying a discount rate.
     To: Connect man of RIF members
     Please send the namelist of the delegation of your country to us ASAP 
     and indicating following details:
     Passport No.
     For adults, please indicate occupation as well for invitation purpose.
     Those who need invitation, please let us know your detailed post 
     address and receiver.
     If you have any comments on above rules and itinerary about this 
     tournament, please let us know.
     With best regards,
     Na Wei
     RIF China
     China report

     We have just had a nation wide Youth Tournament from Feb.4 to
     Feb.8, 1998. Winner of this tournament will participate the 3rd
     Youth WC in Beijing. There were totally 142 players coming from 7
     provinces. After 9 round competition, the winners are:

     Woman's team

        Name            Kyu/Dan          
     1. Liang Shuang    1 Kyu           
     2. Lu Yao          1 Dan           
     3. Mi Xiao Yan                    
     4. Wu Dan                          
     5. Bao Han                         
     6. Yao Jin Rui                     
     7. Li Shi Rui                 
     8. Guo Xue
     9. Ning Qi         7 Kyu
    10.Pang Yun Ting

     Man's team/Group B

        Name            Kyu/Dan
     1. Chen Wei        5 Kyu
     2. Zhao Yue        4 Kyu
     3. Wang Lu         7 Kyu
     4. Zhang Peng      3 Kyu
     5. Hua Tao         
     6. Xu Rui Ming
     7. Xue Si Tao
     8. Xian Qing Zhu   7 Kyu
     9. Ma Shao Jie
    10.Ding Wei

     Man's team/Group A

        Name            Kyu/Dan
     1. Guan Ji Xian
     2. Shao Xiao Dong   1 Dan
     3. Zheng Zeng Zhi
     4. liu Yue Jiang
     5. Li Bo            10 Kyu
     6. Liu Chang        
     7. Liu Yi Teng      5 Kyu
     8. Shi Xu Dong
     9. Sun Kai
    10.Gao Yue          7 Kyu

     Sincerely yours,
     Na Wei   
Date sent:        Wed, 11 Feb 1998 11:30:18 +0000

Renju Newsletter No 12 - 1998

California Renju Club now has its own homepage
with photos from last year Fourth of July American Open Tournament
This year tournament  begins at 10 a.m. July 4, 1998 at the Santa 
Monica Chess Club. 

Date sent:        Tue, 3 Feb 1998 15:36:50 +0000

Renju Newsletter No 11 -1998

On the following page is the current list of all Renju Newsletter subscribers:
Please, check your own data an tell me if something is wrong.

Renju WC via e-mail started on February 1. 
On the page
is the list of boards.


Date sent:        Sun, 1 Feb 1998 19:59:58 +0000

Renju Newsletter No 10 - 1998
Results from Swedish Cup final:

Petter Gardstroem won the 3rd game against Stefan Karlsson so now 
the standing are 1.5-1.5.

A final game will be played on the 28th of February.

Dear Japanese Friends

Now , because of Mr. Inui activity there is Japanese translation of
information about Second WC among Computer programs.
The archive is opened to the public at
Regards Nosovsky

Date sent:        Wed, 28 Jan 1998 20:37:54 +0000

Renju Newsletter No 9 - 1998

 Results of Baltic Qualification,24-25.01.98

  1.Meritee    6,5
  2.Soosyrv    5
  3.Gurckis    4,5
  4.Lents      4 (28,5)
  5.Kolk       4 (27)(11,5)
  6.Gaujens    4 (27)(11)
  7.Tamm       4 (21,5)
  8.Uja        4 (12)He did not play first 2 rounds.
  9.Veidemanis 3,5
 10.Demidov    3,5
 11.Taimla     3
 12.Einberg    2
 13.Viital     2
 14.Voznjuk    2
 15.Nitov      2
 16.M Tuvikene 2
 17.Naber      2
 8 best will play in high league + 2 players with high ranking(Maybe
 Reims and Veidemanis) 

 Ants Soosyrv

Date:          Fri, 23 Jan 1998 11:25:12 +0000

Renju Newsletter No 8 - 1998



 30th of April - 3rd of May 1998 in Stockholm

The Swedish Renju Federation invites to Stockholm Summer Trophy and
the celebration of the 10 years together within the Renju
International Federation, 30th of April - 3rd of May 1998 in
Stockholm. It will be a nice tournament with players gathered from
many renjucountries and also a very special moment to remember the
time together sofar within RIF. It was the 8th of August 1988 when RIF
was founded in Stockholm, also then at the same time as the Stockholm
Summer Trophy was held.

All players are welcome regardless of their rating level. The
tournament will be played in one group according to Swiss System, 7
rounds. 90 minutes per game and player. Schedule:

30/4 Thursday:
14.00   Sightseeing of Stockholm
18.00   Opening Ceremony and welcome-dinner

1/5 Friday:
12.00   Start of the first round, 2 rounds this day

2/5 Saturday:
 09.00   Round 3-5

3/5 Sunday:
09.00   Round 6-7
18.00   Closing Ceremony and 10-year-celebration-dinner

We would like to know who will come to the tournament a certain period
of time before the tournament, so please let us know before the 1st of

We will come back later with more detailed information.






Please contact us if you have any questions!


Bengt Asplund  
Västervik 10702                                                       
761 72 Norrtälje
Tel. +46 176 227344
Fax: +46 176 227313 E-mail: 

Peter Jonsson   
Munkgatan 5 
561 34 Huskvarna  
Tel. +46 36 136735

Stefan Karlsson
Servitutsvägen 3, 4 tr
145 59 Norsborg
Tel. +46 8 53184136


Date:          Wed, 21 Jan 1998 19:23:03 +0000

Renju Newsletter No 7 - 1998

Results from the  final match of Swedish Cup:

Two games were played in the final of the Swedish Cup 1997 in
Joenkoeping the 17th of January:

P.Gardstroem - S.Karlsson 1/2-1/2    (D8)
PG-SK                                   0-1        (D3)

The final is played in best of three games. The third game will be
played the 31st of January in Uppsala.


Information from Oleg Fedorkin - Chairman of  RIF 
Correspondence Commission regarding coming 4th World Championship via 

Dear friends,

At Moscow Renju Club in the presence of many Moscow players 
/K.Nikonov, President of Russian renju federation,
A.Nosovsky, Vice-President of RIF, S.Smirnov, Russian official Classificator,
Yu.Tarannikov, Renju world champion via e-mail, D.Krasnonosov, Chairman of
Moscow renju club, and many others/
I separated by lot all participants of e-mail semi-finals in their 4 groups.
As new International renju raiting-list is not available for a long time 
/from April of last year/, we used other method for lot. We thought not only
about strength of participants but also tried to separate participants from
the same contries to different groups. For example, we gave the possibility 
for all participants from other contries to play with strong Japanese player.
Also it`s a good chance for 4 Japenese players to fight for 4 place in next
final A.

Group 1.
A.Kashihara /JAP/  - kashihara, O.Klimachev /RUS/ - klimachev,
A.Kobzev /ARM/ - kai, A.Lipsits /USA/ - alipsits,
Y.Madissoon /EST/ - ymadis, I.Sinyov /RUS/ - sinyovi,
D.Terekhov /CAN/ - dterekhov
Group 2.
E.Bobkov /RUS/ - bobkove, R.Idelsons /LAT/ - robert12,
N.Kawamura /JAP/ - norihiko, V.Kolesnik /UKR/ - kvik,
L.Laibinis /LIT-FIN/ - llaibini, A.Nosovsky /RUS/ - nosovs,
C.Tibaldi /ITA/ -tibia
Group 3.
S.Filippov /RUS/ - filippov, V.Lunkin /RUS/ - lunkin, 
M.Mammel /USA/ - mmammel, K.Ooi /JAP/ - kooi,
S.Smirnov /RUS/ - smirnov, T.Taimla /EST/ - tunnu,
I.Virag /HUN/ - virag
Group 4.
B.Asplund /SWE/ - basplund, S.Bondarenko /RUS/ - troter,
L.Gluhovsky /ISR/ - leonid, Z.Zhliup /CHI/ - zz,
I.Rinkis /LAT/ - ingus, A.Soosorv /EST/ - asoosorv,
T.Takagawa /JAP/ - takagawa, S.Tatarintsev /RUS/ - sergey

Group 2 seems to be the strongest and most interesting.
Group 3 seems to be also very difficult and too funny group
because 3 of 7 participants are from Moscow club.

After withdraw of Alexey Skuridin we needed to find referee of our
tournaments. It was not easy, but now 
Ando Meritee /EST/ - ameritee,         and
Alexander Nosovsky /RUS/ - nosovs,
kindly agreed to be the referees. So A.Nosovsky will be the referee of
final A, A.Meritee will be the referee of finals B.
The referees will check time-move control and will help participants
with the special rule /see it below/ to prevent move copy and will
decide all tournament problems with help of Richard Rognlie,
master of playserver. 
!If there would be any serious problem in our tournaments, we should
discuss it on RIF Correspondence Commission and gotta make decision as soon
as possible. 

We should remind for all participants next things:
1.Only winners of these 4 groups will have right to play next final A.
2.Normal time-move control is 135 days for each players till 120th move.
!But for games between Russian players in semi-final groups time control
is 115 days for each players. For final A, this short time control will
use in the games between O.Fedorkin, V.Golosov, R.Kolpakov, Yu.Tarannikov
/all players from Russia/ and also in the games between J.Gaulitz and
S.Karlsson /both from Sweden/.
!!Notice that playserver`s and common numbering of moves are different.
3.RIF Correspondence Commission decided to use the special rule these
tournaments to prevent the moves copy. See below the complete text of
this rule: 

  If the next conditions are hold
  (i) there are the same positions in the games A - B and C - D (where C and/or
D would be the same players, for example D = A, C = B, or they would be another
  (ii) it's turn of players A and C;
  (iii) player C didn't move during 1 week;
  (iv) at least 15 move was made (in the case D = A, C = B this condition is
  then player A has the right to demand (through the referee) from player C
to move in the game C - D during next 1 week. But when player C has moved then
player A  MUST make ANOTHER move in the game A - B.

Of course, these players A and C are the players from the same group.

With best wishes
Oleg Fedorkin

Date:          Sun, 18 Jan 1998 21:00:55 +0000

Renju Newsletter No 6 -1998
The Swedish Magazine Fem I Rad No 3 1997 is now available on the 
following URL-address:

Date:          Wed, 14 Jan 1998 23:46:50 +0000

Renju Newsletter No 5 - 1998
Results from Swedish Cup semifinal 

Stefan Karlsson - Ingvar Sundling  3 - 2

Last game:

IS-SK 0-1 D8  (2-3)

The final between Stefan Karlsson and Petter Gardstroem will 
start next weekend.


Daniel Ramos  from Colombia has made 2 information 
pages in Spanish language. There is a link to these pages from the 
RIF startpage. The direct URL-addresses are

Before we had information page in Portugese language:

and German page:

We have of course also information in Russian, Swedish and Estonian 
language which pages you can find from RIF startpage.


Last version of Database ( 7.00)  includes 20 000 games.

More information you  can get from 
Oleg Stepanov,  Russia with e-mail

Date:          Tue, 13 Jan 1998 00:31:47 +0000

Renju Newsletter No 4 - 1998

Results from  Moscow  Open Youth Championship 4.-6.01.98
29 players from Podyuga,N.Novgorod,Tallinn and Moscow took 

1.Mihail Kazarin 7,5 (Pod.)
2.Aller Uja  7 (Tal.)
3.Johann Lents 6 (Tal.)
4.Mihail Bykov 6 (Pod)
5.Vjatcheslav Potapov 6 (Mos)
6.Denis Nekrasov 6 (Pod)

 1.(10.)Olga Kotcheskova 5 (N.Nov)
 2.(11.)Serafima Krasnonosova (Mos)
 3.(15.)Jelena Prohorova (Pod)


After voting the Correspondence Commission has decided as follows:

1. The A och B tournament of next WC via e-mail will start in 
February 1998.

2. Normal move and time control will be 120 moves in 135 days

3. Rule to prevent move copy: Player has right to make other move 
that his opponent made in   every game    /after apellation to 
referee give 7 days for opponent to make    move and  after that 
make own different move/ - Tarannikov`s rule

4. The games between players from the same country will have less 
time than for usual games. The games will start at the same time as 
the other games but the time instead of 135 days will be 115 days.

5. As before the Semi-finals will be 4 groups. Winners have 
right to play 4th final A.

6. Milevsky will not use his place in A-final. The final will be 
played withh only 9 players i.e. no player will substitute  Milevsky

7. Kawamura will withdraw as chairman of the commission and the new 
chairman will be Fedorkin from Moscow,Russia

8. No decision has so war been made what to do if some of the 
qulified for the 4th A-final will notuse his place

9. It was decided that there are no limit for one country for the 
players in the A-final. I.e. in theory  all 10 players in future 
A-finals  may be Japanese or Russian players.

The players in the A- och B-final will be found on the following 

With this announcement  I withdraw from all activities regarding the 
WC e-mail tournaments. As the president of RIF I have to much to do 
so it is necessary and pratical that other persons work with the WC  

It means that the the new chairman  Oleg Fedorkin 
with -mail address
will  solve the questions how to start the tournament together with
Richard W. Rognlie who runs the server that we will use for the 
tournament, how to seed the players in the 4 B-finals and how to find 
a new referee after  Skuridin´s withdrawal. My task in the commission 
in the future will only be to forward  information to you via Renju 
On the page
is a list of the participants of the A- and B-tournaments 
of Renju WC via e-mail. It is not so nice as the Web-page.

Date:          Tue, 6 Jan 1998 18:45:31 +0000

Renju Newsletter No 3 - 1998

Report from Swedish Cup.

In one of the semi-finals Petter Gardstroem won against Richard 
Johannesson but the other semi-final is not yet finished.

The game Ingvar Sundling (IS) - Stefan Karlsson (SK) is still going 
on. After the 3 games of the match it was 1.5-1.5. One extra games 
has been played and itended in a draw so the standings by now is 
2-2.  Next games is planned to take place on the 12th of January.

The four games:

I    SK-IS    1-0    D11
II    IS-SK    1-0     D3
III    SK-IS    ½-½  D8
IV    SK-IS    ½-½  D8


Date:          Tue, 6 Jan 1998 01:18:13 +0000

Renju Newsletter No 2 - 1998
This message is extremely sensitive because it is made in a very 
modern mail program and therefore I cannot easily change the last 3 
Swedish letters to aa,ae,oe as usual. I hope it will not give to much 
trouble for some of you.

If you cannot read it, please, let me know and I will send a new 
version later when I have more time.

I have also published the results in the Renju Newspage.

Results from the Swedish Team Championship 1997 in Stockholm 3-4 January 1998:

1. KFUM Jönköping (Göran Holgersson, Rickard Johannesson, Martin Carlsson)             24
2. Härnö LS (Björn Wallgren, Joakim Gaulitz, Mike Dufvenberg)                          20,5
3. Högsjö LK (Hannes Hermansson, Marcus Ericsson, Linus Hermansson, Anders Bertilsson) 20
4. Stockholm RK (Stefan Karlsson, Bengt Asplund, Björn Ericsson)                       19
5. Linköping (Tomas Hagström, Jonas Frid, Jesper Antonsson)                            18,5
6. Uppsala (Petter Gardström, Tord Andersson, Mina Gardström, Frank Arkbo)             18
7. Vadstena (Bengt Nyberg, Benkt Stentoft, Daniel Nyberg)                               9
8. HEM (Martin Karlsson, Henrik Karlsson, Erik Axlund)                                  3

Härnö LS started very well in this tournament and was the leader just 
before the two last rounds. Björn Wallgren played strong (9,5 p out 
of 11) and was rewarded for the best individual performance by the 
tournament-referee Bengt Asplund. Linköping was rewarded for best 
team performance relative their ratings. In the 2nd round from the 
end Jönköping finally showed what they can, beating Uppsala by 3-0. 
Also Jönköping were the favourites to the championship, remember they 
were both number 1 and 2 1996. However this time they really had to 
fight for the victory. 

 Stefan Karlsson

Date:          Mon, 5 Jan 1998 22:55:26 +0000

Renju Newslettter No 1 - 1998

I wish you a Happy New Renju Year!

Report from the festival of intellectual games in 
Nizhny Novgorod 18-21 Dec.  - A. Skuridin

     The festival of intellectual games was held in
     Nizhny Novgorod 18-21 Dec. It was combination of
     renju, go and bridge competitions. Renju, go and
     bridge players in N.N. have a lot of contacts
     and help each other to solve same problems.
     The main idea of the festival was to give a chance
     for players to take part in all competitions.
     The winner was determined in each tournament and
     in the whole festival.
     The main renju tournament. Swiss system. 7 rounds.
     22 participants. Top 5 are:
         1. Alexey Skuridin      7 dan   7 points
         2. Sergey Shevelev      3 dan   6
         3. Olga Skuridina       1 dan   5
         4. Yury Provorov        6 kju   5
         5. Vladislav Kareev     5 dan   5.
     There was an additional renju tournament for
     beginners, go and bridge fans.
     In go tournament for beginners I`ve got 4 (from 5)
     points and took 4 place. It was my first participation
     in go conpetitoin. In bridge (the main tournament)
     I`ve got 5 place. Artur Gorshenkov was my partner.
     It was not seccessful result (we have won bridge
     competitions in N.N. many times), but it was
     sufficient to get first place in the whole festival.
     Another renju player Sergey Shevelev (he is schoolboy,
     13 years old) have got 6 place.
     It was the first festival of intellectual games.
     But the N.N.renju federation, the N.N. go federation
     and N.N. bridge club hope the such festival will
     become traditional.

                       Friendly yours,    A.Skuridin