1st game
Black Nishizono White Nakamura W30
Nishizono was a tentative black and chose D3. He led to the same situation of Nishizono-Kawamura at the Meijinsen Tournament. Though his tactics succeeded at that time, Nakamura has already known the result. He showed white
s victory from 12,I am sure. I believe after 12 black can not protect because 11 didn
t influent black attacking at all. Nishizono didnt show his power at 1st game.2nd game
Black Nakamura White Nishizono X78
Next turn, Nakamura selected D11, which is the most popular opening in Japan now.
Until 23, that style was appeared at the Meijinsen Tournament. Probably, Nakamura has his tactics if 24-33. But 24,26 was "shoking" protection for him. Nakamura thought deeply at 27,29. But he didn
t have any good idea. 29 was "unbelievable" move for me.It means black gave up winning. Why?? Anyway, white made a good attacking after that, but white could not win at last.
Nishizono said, " I am very satisfied because I kept attacking."
I agree to his opinion. 2nd game was not good for Nakamura.
Black Nishizono White Nakamura W82
Nishizono was a tentative black and chose D11. So this time was changing Black and White as the 2nd game. To be astonished, until 23 was almost the same situation as the 2nd game except 22, which is a minor difference. Nakamura moved 24, which was very natural move. However, black showed very good tactics after that. 25,27,29 was good protection for white. 31! 33! 35! 37! All were wonderful!! They are Nishizono
s favorite pattern. But 45? I am not sure, how about one point of the left of 33? If black had kept a good attacking, Nishizono woud have won. This game was also not good game for Nakamura, I think.