Renjuplayers in the world - 53. Lunkin Vitaly

Lunkin Vitaly , Russian , 28 years , man.

1. I have played since 18 years. I began to play in free Renju.

2. In the Moscow club , and if there  were pass tournaments.

3. My best results were : a victory on open Byelorussian superiovity (championship) on free Renju , 3rd place in a championship of CIS.

(after SSSR) in free Renju , victory in 2 selection tournaments in classical Renju.

4.The best players are from those with whom I played on my sight: Kozhin, Mishaylov (Nicolay and Alexandr), Soosyrv , Nara , Carlson ...etc .

5. Renju is my best enthusiasm.

6. Up to open superiority in Japan to play almost I shall not be, as I very badly have played in China and on 1-st league of Russia , lost basically psychologically and from ignorance of debuts classical Renju.

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