Renjuplayers in the world - 19. Peter Jonsson


0.     Your name, your nationality, your age, male or female.

Peter Jonsson. Swedish, 42 years old, male.

1.     When did you start to play renju and how did you learn it?

I learned to play Renju in 1981. Some friends told me about the Jönköping club and I went there and started to like the game.

2.     Do you play in a club? In which clubs have you played?

I play in KFUM Luffarschack Jonkoping, a city of 80 000 citizens situated in south Sweden. During my years at the university of Linkoping I founded a club for Renju there.

3.     Which are your best results in national and international tournaments (Usual tournaments and e-mail tournaments). Which is your international rating for the moment?

Once I got third prize in the Swedish Championship of Renju. 1988 I won the Challenge Cup, where all the strongest Swedish players took part. My current rating is 2124 (171:st place).

4.     Which is the best player you have met?

Ando Meritee.

5.     Can you explain why you enjoy renju?

First of all it is an interesting game. Second thing is that Renju seems to attract interesting people, both in Sweden and abroad. The most important thing is that renju brought me and my lovely wife together.

6.     Which are your plans for the future as a player?

Recently (the last eleven years) I did not have so much time for practising the game. But maybe in the future it must be some “Old Boys Championships”, so you can count on me in the year 2022 when I will retire and get my pension.

7.     If you have anything else interesting to tell that you think that I should have asked for, please, do it as answer no 8.

I work as a school teacher in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. One of my goals in life is to get a Number 1 in the British Music Charts (I play in a pop band called “Headlines”).

I am the President of the Swedish Renju Federation. Our federation consists of nine clubs, from Malmoe in the south to Arjeplog in the north. The total number of members is about 100. Every autumn KFUM Luffarschack Jonkoping is host for an international tournament called “Wettercupen”. In the summer of 2000 Arjeplog Renju Club will be the organizer  of the World Youth Championship together with a big international tournament. 

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