Renjuplayers in the world - 65. Victor Barykin

0.Your name, your nationality, your age, male or female.

Victor Barykin, Russian, 30, male

1.When did you start to play renju and how did you learn it? How many years have you played renju?

17 years ago. I read about renju in some mathematical magazine.

Then I started to play with my schoolfriends.

In 1989 I contacted Sergey Artemyev (Chairman of Ulyanovsk's Club) and he invited me to the Championship of 'Center' region. It was my first serious tournament.

2.Do you play in a club? In which clubs have you played?


3.Which are your best results in national and international tournaments (Usual tournaments and e-mail tournaments). Which is your international rating for the moment?

1998, 1-st Russian l eague, 1-st place

1994, 'Center' regional, 1-st place

1992, 'Volga' tournament, 2-nd place.

My international rating is about 2300.

4.Which is the best player you have met?

Dmitry Ilyin, Nikolay Mikhailov...

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