The game was played Thu, 18 Jan 1996 from 10:50 - 12:00 Latvian time. Reims played as Black and won after move 59. 5A (The alternative move that White decided that Black could not play) was 48.
(1-18) - One of the most important situation in I11 now. Most popular and probably the strongest 19th move is an opposite to 19th played in this game. But there were some important thigs I kept in mind - japanese players this year had spent a lot of time to analyze this (1-19) situation, especially Kawamura and Nara and in such a short game (1min to move) in would be quite stupid to try to find victory in these infinitive difficulties.
So I choosed another 19th, which is probably not so sharp, but very poisonous. I know two games where this move was used earlier + 2 games of Veidemanis in WCh-95.
One game is Nara-Kawamura ("Kyoto Classified'93") and friendly mail game Kawamura - Reims (1992). Both games were with an advantage of black.
Move 20 probably is the best, but many another sharp white tactics are possible. (21-25)-standart development. I agree with Kawamura that 26 is necessary. If 26-28, then 27-26 is extremely sharp. Nara in WCh-95 protected against Veidemanis against such 27 with a very, very big problems, but during all the game he sat in the deepest defence.
Move 29 isn't the best. It's too much in the corner, however it makes 4 lines. I think 29-30 is stronger.
White defence 32-36 is obvious and definitely very good. With (37-41) black starts an activity in right part and there comes the first small mistake of Mr.Kawamura - 44, as it seems to me. I think 44-L5 would be better, because now after 46 black got a very good and active construction of stones in right corner.
47 - activity in upper part to kill a smallest counterchances of white and to connect threats of black in right part.
48?? - biggest mistake, which is main reason of result. After 49! position of white is practically impossible to protect. 53! is a final cut. 58 from upper side would be sharper, but anyway black wins with 59-L7 and then comes fukumi.
I think that main reason of such a result was too passive strategy of white.
Aldis Reims