RENBASEW - Global Database

We are honored to offer You our RenBaseW computer

program and Base-7000 compatible with it !!!

We were the first to market renju programs, helping renju players to get prepared for tournaments. We never ceased to update the prog- rams since then and carefully retain file compatibility between all products. If You buy software from us You may be sure, that Your files could be accessed by our new products! All our software is file compa- tible. For instance, files made by our first program, RenjuDoc can be read by our next program, RenBase-Dos and converted into .DBF files by RenBase. RenBase fileas are easily read by by RenBaseW.

With the help of RenBaseW - You can easily find all games which were previously played in a certain position. To do that You only need to place the stones with a mouse. You can also review all the games played by Your next opponent.

Besides, the files are DBASE/FOX compatible and You can sort them by field names. The SOLVER function of RenbaseW allows You to load /save files in Solver-Dos, Solver-Win, Renju for Windows (Internet shareware). If You have RenBaseW You can, after finding the game in Base-7000 load it into Solver or Renju for Windows and start analysis of chosen positions (please, enjoi it and load so many positions as your RAM able ! ).

You can then save all solved positions and dump them into Your tabase. We won't even say much about oportunities which analysis in between tours in Swiss tournaments can give You!

Printing quality on LaserJets has been checked at two World Championships.

Our Base-7000 includes all the best games of all important tour- naments beginning from 1988 after the rule of colour change was intro- duced. The games were chosen by such players like I. Sinyov, M. Koz- hin. We are saving Your time sieving away all low quality games.

Please, enjoy RenBaseW option!

After You have once bought our software You can always expect further discounts.

Our prices:

We are working at the new version called RenBase-95 for Win- dows-95 and will welcome You orders with discounts for previous buyers.

NEW !!!

We have started giving new service - Base-net! It will mean, that immewdiately after major tournaments we shall be sending game files of the tournaments to our subscribers so that they could add the games to their own files. That way You won't have to buy a new database version but will add games to Your existing database Yourself, sort it to Your taste, etc.

Base-net will start functioning only if there are more than 10 subscribers. Price idea is $5 for every 100 games. We are expecting Your orders, because the price will depend on subsciptions, so please don't let others down!

Maybe You are the 10-th!

The price may go down to $3 if there are more subscribers!

A. Nosovsky, -