1.1 The Renju International Federation (referred to in the ensuing text as RIF for short) is the international overall organization in the domains of Renju, was founded an August 8, 1988 in Stockholm, Sweden.
RIF unites national federations and directs the renju world. RIF also includes the game of Five In A Row (FIAR) as an additional game.
1.2 RIF is concerned exclusively with renju and FIAR activities. RIF is democratically established and bases itself on the principle of the equal right of its member-nations. The member-founders have the special right of veto. The member-founders are Japan, the Soviet Union and Sweden.
RIF rejects discriminatory treatment for national, political, racial, social or religious reasons or on account of sex.
It observes a strict neutrality in the national affairs of the national renju organizations.
1.3 In principle RIF-events (competitions, meetings and congresses) may be hosted only by federations in whose countries free access is generally assured to representatives of all federations.
The General Assembly may make exceptions for reasons of state of war or severe violence between countries.
If an event has been granted to a federation under normal conditions the Central Committee, or in urgent cases the President may make exceptions in cases when a conflict situation arises after the event was granted. All cases of refusal of access or visas shall be reported by the President to the following General Assembly.
1.4 Renju are among the ancient intellectual and cultural game" which combine sport, scientific thinking and art.
The purpose and aimof RIF are therefore the diffusion and development of Renju and FIAR among all nationsof theworld as well as the improved cultural status of Renju.
RIF supports a clase international cooperation of the renju enthusiasts in all fields of activity, thereby also aiming to improve friendly harmony among people.
1.5 RIF issues the rules of Renju and the rules of FIAR and the provisions pertaining to the organization of the World Championship and all other RIF competitions. RIF organizes the World Championship and mail World Championship of Renju and FIAR and competitions for beginners.
1.6 RIF issues the international information magazine and works on the development of the international rules and international qualifications.
1.7 RIF works in the field of financial organization of RIF competitions with the sponsors and advertisement organization.
2.1 Members of RIF are national renju federations which have principal authority in their own countries and which have been admitted to RIF as member-federation, if they acknowledge the RIF statutes and develop activities not contrary to these statutes.
A federation can only be regarded as a National Federation if it has been legally constituted. and recognized in a State which is an entity of International Law or which is at least fully autonomous in the administration of Culture and Sports.
Only one federation of each country can be affiliated to RIF.
In addition RIF can grant the status of provisional member to federations, in accord with
art. 2.7. However, provisional members must represent renju activities in a nation or territory which has membership or an observer status in the United Nations.
2.2 The admission of a national federation as a member is effected through an application. This application is to be submitted to the President. The provisional admittance is decided upon by the Central Committee. Final admittance as a member is pronounced by the General Assembly after examination of the preconditions for admittance by the Central Committee.
The application for admission must include all data which will make evident that the previous activities of the applicant are in conformity with the RIF statutes.
The application for admission shall be accompanied by the official questionnaire of RIF approved by the General Assembly, completely filled out, together with a copy of the statutes of the federation, certified by the State Sports Organization if it is necessary according to the law of the country of any federation.
2.3 The members have a seat and a vote in the General Assembly.
The members are entitled to make use of the right to vote. They are authorized to submit proposals to RIF. They are entitled to participate in all RIF events, according to the regulations.
2.4 The members must acknowledge and observe the statutes, regulations, resolutions and decisions of RIF.
The members must send to the President at the latest by April 1 of each year a report containing the following information:
a) the name and address of the Federation;
b) the name and address of the President;
c) the name and address of the Secretary;
d) the name and address of the official who is the intermediate between the member and RIF (the Permanent Delegate);
e) the names of the national Champions;
f) the name and address of the official bulletin, if any;
g) the number of players belonging directly or indirectly to the federation on December 31 of the year in question, or, if this is not possible, at the end of the previous fiscal year;
h) the date and place and other details about international Renju and FIAR events which have been organized in the federation's country since the previous report or which are planned for the future.
If in the course of the year changes occur in the data mentioned in sub a-d and f above, the federation must inform thePresident immediately.
2.5 Members not fulfilling the duties mentioned in art. 2.4 may be temporarily or definitely excluded of RIF.
A temporarily exclusion is determined by the Central Committee.
A definite exclusion can be ruled by the General Assembly only in case the member becomes guilty of a severe offense against the statutes, regulations, resolutions or decisions, or acts against the principles of RIF.
2.6 The members have the right to withdraw from RIF. The President must be informed of the withdrawal at the latest three months in advance.
2.7 A provisional member has all the rights and obligations of a full member except that a provisional member does not have the right to vote in the General Assembly, nor are its representatives eligible to stand for RIF offices. The rules for withdrawal or exclusion are
the same as for full members.
The RIF officials and organizations are:
a) the General Assembly;
b) the Central Committee;
c) permanent or temporary commissions, or delegates;
d) the President and the two Deputy-Presidents;
e) the General Secretary;
f) the Treasurer;
g) one or several Honourable Presidents may be appointed by the General Assembly.
4.1 The General Assembly, being the highest authority of RIF, exercises the legislation and - unless otherwise defined, below - also the executive power. It supervises the activities of the Central Committee, the President and also of the other RIF officials. It sets up the RIF budget, elects the President and the other RIF officials. It sets up the schedule of RIF activities.
The President and all other RIF officials are elected for a period of two years. In cases of
by-elections, made necessary by resignations or death, the period of functioning of the thus elected persons expires at the end of the normal election period.
4.2 The General Assembly is composed of:
a) the representatives of the member-federations and their counsellors;
b) the members of the Central Committee;
c) the chairmen of the permanent commissions or delegates;
d) any Honourable President.
4.3 Every member-federation is represented by its Permanent Delegate or by another person (Proxy), accredited by letter for such representation.
Any Permanent Delegate with the right of veto must have this right confirmed by a letter from his national federation.
A representative may be aided by one or two counsellors.
4.4 Each member-federation represented in the General Assembly has one vote.
The other participants in the General Assembly have a consultative voice only.
The discussions may be carried through on the basis of a speakers' list to be kept by the General Secretary. The chairman can take the floor as often as required also outside the order of the speakers' list.
4.5 In General Assemblies and Extraordinary General Assemblies no less than 50% of the affiliated federations (proxies included) shall be represented. It is also necessary that representatives from all member-founders with the right of veto are present.
If the quorum is not fulfilled at the beginning ofthe General Assembly, the Central Committee will decide which itemsof the agenda can be submitted for decision by the truncated General Assembly. The items put on the agenda shall not include changes of statutes or financial regulations.
4.6 The sessions of the General Assembly are public, unless it is decided otherwise by simply majority vote.
4.7 Votes are made orally. Votes on elections are to be made by secret ballot, unless otherwise decided by a two third majority.
4.8 Decisions shall be made with the majority of the votes delivered, without taking into account abstentions.
For elections special election regulations are operative.
4.9 In the event of tie in voting the President decides (with the exceptions of elections).
4.10 Prior to voting all relevant communications from absent members shall be brought to the attention of these present.
4.11 Proposals of members or RIF officials which are to be included in the agenda for the General Assembly, should reach the President not later than three months before the beginning of the General Assembly, together with reasons for the proposals.
Proposals submitted within this time limit must be included in the agenda for the General Assembly.
4.12 The regular General Assembly is held every second year. It is convened by the President. The invitations shall be sent out at the latest four months prior to the opening date of the General Assembly.
The President shall send the participants the complete agenda and the relevant documents
(i.e. reasons for proposals) at the latest six weeks prior to the opening date of the General Assembly.
The president shall send the minutesof theGeneral Assembly to the members and the RIF officials and organizations at the latest three months after the closing of the General Assembly.
4.13 Place and date of the General Assembly are determined:
a) by the preceding General Assembly, or;
b) in the absence of such decision, by the President.
4.14 Decisions made by the General Assembly concerning a certain cycle for the World Championships cannot be discussed and changed during that cycle, unless agreed to by a two third majority.
4.15 An Extraordinary General Assembly shall be convened by the President upon request of one third of the member-federation within two months of such a request. In urgent cases the President, with the consent of the Central Committee, also have the right to convene an Extraordinary General Assembly. The agenda for the Extraordinary General Assembly shall be sent to participants at least one month before the meeting is held.
5.1 The Central Committee concerns itself with the general situation of RIF, the activities of the President and those of other officials. It deals with the annual reports of the President and the Treasurer as well as further subjects listed on the agenda for the General Assembly and submits recommendations on those subjects to the General Assembly.
5.2 The Central Committee consists of:
a) the President, the two Deputy-Presidents, the General Secretary and the Treasurer;
b) at the most eight additional elected members belonging to different federations but not from the federation which the President belongs to.
5.3 The Central Committee meets at least every second year, as a rule immediately before the General Assembly.
5.4 Recommendations from the Central Committee are subject to the regulations as applicable for the General Assembly, with the exception of art. 4.3.
5.5 The Central Committee aids the President in all tasks for which he is responsible according to these statutes. Between the meetings of the General Assembly it makes decisions on matters in its charge according to these statutes or on important matters laid before it by the President.
5.6 The members of the Central Committee are also entitled to vote in writing.
5.7 Every part concerned is entitled to appeal to the General Assembly against the decisions made by the Central Committee.
6.1 For the accomplishment of certain RIF-tasks the General Assembly can set up permanent or temporary commissions, or appoint delegates.
The number of the commissions are not limited. However, they can be created only if there is a good reason and organizatorial need.
6.2 Permanent commissions are to be established in particular for:
a) rules problems (the Rules Commission)
b) qualification problems (the Qualification Commission)
c) correspondence tournament problems (the Correspondence Commission)
d) Five In A Raw problems (The Five In A Raw Commission)
e) organization of competitions (the Sports Commission)
In general the meetings of the Rules Commission and the Qualification Commission should be held immediately before the meeting of the General Assembly.
6.3 Each permanent commission consists of a chairman, a secretary and the required number of additional members.
6.4 To became legally effective, decisions of the commissions or delegates require the approval of the General Assembly.
7.1The President represents RIF officially.
7.2 The President presides over the meetings of the General Assembly and the Central Committee. He executes the decisions of these organizations. He offers himself as intermediary to the members in the interest of expansion of Renju.
7.3 The President prepares all meetings of which he is the chairman and supplies the General Assembly with an annual report.
7.4 Every party concerned may appeal decisions of the President to the General Assembly.
7.5 In cases of emergency the President exercises the rights of the General Assembly between two meetings of the General Assembly in the spirit of the principles of RIF.
7.6 If the President is unable to act, then he is represented by the Deputy-Presidents. If also they are unable to act, then the replacement is designated by the Central Committee, which is to be immediately summoned by the President if possible and if he is unable to do this, by the General Secretary.
7.7 The sphere of the tasks of the Deputy-Presidents will be determined by the President.
7.8 In certain cases the President can also delegate specific tasks to other persons.
8.1 The General Secretary aids the President in the accomplishment of his obligations. He is especially charged with executive RIF matters. In addition he performs all RIF tasks assigned to him according to the statutes or by the Central Committee, the General Assembly or the President.
8.2 The Treasurer is responsible for the financial management of RIF. He executes all decisions of RIF concerning the financial management.
8.3 In general, the General Secretary and the Treasurer should belong to the same federation as the President.
8.4 If the General Secretary or the Treasurer is unable to act, his obligations are taken over by the President.
8.5 The Auditor is appointed by the preceding General Assembly. He is authorized to examine the RIF ledgers and to demand information pertaining to the financial management. He may be assigned additional financial control by the General Assembly or by the President.
9.1 Eligibility for office pertains only to those persons who belong to a member-federation.
9.2 No person can be elected to a RIF office against the will of his national federation. This stipulation may be waived by the General Assembly only in exceptional cases.
9.3 Nominations for the offices of President and the Deputy-Presidents must reach the General Secretary at least three months before the opening of the General Assembly, Each nomination must be from a member-federation and must certify that the candidate has accepted his nomination. In exceptional cases the Central Committee or the President may waive the time limit for the nomination for these offices.
9.4 A National federation having a nominee for the office of President may confirm that this nominee is also eligible for the office of Deputy-President (wherever there is such a willingness).
9.5 The president will ensure that a listing of all nominees is included on the agenda sent to all member federations prior to the General Assembly.
9.6 The elections for the offices of President and Deputy-Presidents are to be held prior to the other elections.
9.7 After the election of the President and the Deputy-Presidents nominations and elections for the offices of General Secretary, Treasurer and Auditor shall be made. finally, when these elections are complete the nominations and elections for the other additional members of the Central Committee shall be made.
9.8 Immediately before elections there shall be a roll-call to establish the number of votes possible.
9.9 Marked ballots shall be prepared for the elections, with the names of the candidates.
9.10 Three scrutineers shall be appointed. for the elections.
9.11 In the elections the names of the federations shall be called, they are to put their ballot in a box with a slot in the order they are called.
9.12 A majority of the votes cast, not counting abstentions, shall be required for the elections above. If three or more persons are nominated for the same office and no one receives the absolute majority on the first ballot, then:
a) the nominee receiving the fewest votes an the first ballot shall be eliminated from the list before the second vote.
b) If there are still three or more candidates for the office and no one receives the required absolute majority an the second ballot, the process of eliminating and candidate at the time shall continue, as outlined in a) until an election by absolute majority is achieved.
9.13 All commissions are committees of experts.
a) The national federations are requested to propose suitable candidates for these commissions to the President before the beginning of the General Assembly, Proposals received after the beginning of the General Assembly shall not be considered.
b) The national federations must add to their proposals a declaration certifying that the proposed candidates are prepared, in case they are elected, to assume the duties of the office and that the candidates possess adequate knowledge and experience to serve on the respective commissions.
c) The President informs the Central Committee of the proposals received. The Central Committee examines these proposals and decides on a slate the selected candidates for the expert commissions - together with a list of all candidates. This slate will recommend for adoption to the General Assembly.
9.14 Before the election of the commission their number of members for the coming election period shall be determined, with the due observance of their regulations.
The elections for the members of the commissions are made one by one. Art. 9.12 is accordingly applicable.
Immediately after the election of the members of a commission, the General Assembly will appoint a Chairman from among the elected members.
9.15 Federations which are against the nomination of one of their members for as RIF-office, should raise, themselves or through their delegations, their objections to such a nomination before the elections.
10.1 RIF has its seat in the country where the President resides.
10.2 The official RIF-language is English. Any other language is permitted, however, to facilitate correspondence and discussions.
10.3 The present statutes can be changed by the General Assembly only upon proposal by the President, the Central Committee or by a minimum of three members.
Two thirds of the votes delivered without taking into account abstentions are required to effect such a change, if not any member-founder use his right of veto.
10.4 RIF will dissolve as soon as the number of members has been reduced to two. Moreover, RIF can be dissolved by a decision of the General Assembly, if at least two thirds of all members express themselves in favour of a dissolution.
10.5 In case of dissolution according to art. 10.4 the Central Committee shall decide how to dispose of the RIF-assets, which are to be used for Renju or for any other purpose contributing to the general good.