_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 54, 2002-12-30 Highlights - RESULTS FROM ESTONIAN OPEN _____________________________________________________________________ RESULTS FROM ESTONIAN OPEN (it was called also Tallinn Open), 7 rounds, Swiss 1. Stefan Karlsson (Swe) 6,5 2. Ants Soosyrv 6 3. Tunnet Taimla 4,5 (30,5) 4. Timo Ilu 4,5 (29) 5. Andry Purk 4,5 (22,5) 6. Marko Pellikka (Fin) 4 7. Johann Lents 3,5 (32; 13,7) 8. Ester Eggert 3,5 (32; 12,75) 9. Dmitri Smirnov (RUS) 3 (25) 10. Lauri Naber 3 (23,5) 11. Irene Karlsson 3 (22,5) 12. Rauni Lillemets 3 (18,5) 13. Maris Tuvikene 2,5 (20,5) 14. Aivo Oll 2,5 (18,5) 15. Mikk Oblikas 2 16. Alvar Timmermann 0 Some results: Stefan-Timo 1-0, Stefan-Tunnet 1-0, Stefan-Ants 0,5-0,5, Stefan-Johann 1-0, Ants-Timo 0,5-0,5, Tunnet-Johann 0,5-0,5, Ester-Johann 1-0 Happy New Year! Ants
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 53, 2002-12-28 Highlights - THE 1ST ASIA CHAMPIONSHIP _____________________________________________________________________ THE 1ST ASIA CHAMPIONSHIP The information of The 1st Asia Championship We organized The Asia committee from 2 years ago. We have been active for the development of Renju, friendship and peace of every countries. Now, we decided we will hold above big tournament next May in China. Everybody! Please take part in this commemorative tournament. Date; 1th - 4th May, 2003 Place; Beijing city, China Qualification of entry; Everyone OK. (Every country, men and women, beginner and strong player, all free) Tournament; one class only or separated two class. 7 or8 rounds by Swiss system. (the rule of RIF) After this, we will inform you that the detail will be decided one after another. For example, tournament place, time schedule, entry fee, expenses of hotel, etc..... Please plan to take part in this tournament. Thank you. If there is some question, please ask to following address. RIF CHINA Director : XiaoChun.Lu rifchina@hotmail.com President of Asia commitee : Hideki Nara hdk-nara@246.ne.jp
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 52, 2002-12-23 Highlights - BALTIC LEAGUE _____________________________________________________________________ BALTIC LEAGUE Baltic League will held February 15.-16. in Tallinn, Hobbycentre Kullo. 7 rounds in Swiss system will be played. Time control is 60 min per 30 own moves + bayomi 10/10. Start of tournament is planned Feb.15. 10.00 and approximate closing Feb. 16. 19.00 Please send Your applications to Ants Soosyrv - asoosyrv@hotmail.com or myror@email.ee or 372-6777852 Friendly, Ants
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 51, 2002-12-15 Highlights - RESULTS FROM OPEN SWEDISH TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP 2002 _____________________________________________________________________ RESULTS FROM OPEN SWEDISH TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP 2002 Open Swedish Team Championship 2002 was played 7-8 december at YWCA-YMCA Central in Stockholm. Results: 1. Tallinn 1 (Tunnet, Johann, Maris) 24,5 2. Tamsinki (Marko, Irene, Simo) 17,5 3. Stockholm (Jocke, Stefan, Martin C) 17,5 4. HLJ (Linus, Marcus, Wu) 17,0 5. Jönköping (Göran, Peter, Martin K.) 17,0 6. Tallinn 2 (Ants, Eti, Alvar) 15,0 7. Uppsala (Tord, Martin L., Martin E.) 7,0 Stefan Karlsson
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 50, 2002-12-06 Highlights - UPDATED DOWNLOADS _____________________________________________________________________ UPDATED DOWNLOADS Some downloads (http://mostovlyansky.narod.ru/, Downloads) are updated (05 December 2002). From A.Potapov: - new release of viewer ShowRenju v2.6 - updated PBeM-games (RENJU) database (5346 games) - updated PBeM-games (GOMOKU) database (414 games) - 3th RenjuClass tournament database (NEW) - September-2002 Gambler tournament database (NEW) RenLib: - updated PBeM-games database Others: - updated PBeM-games (RENJU & GOMOKU) archives Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Best regards, Oleg A.Mostovlyansky
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 49, 2002-11-30 Highlights - RENJU POST SERVER _____________________________________________________________________ RENJU POST SERVER We have finished renju_play_system ver 1.0, based on renjs. You can test it from this page: http://www.renjupost.com/rps/ This system can identify forbidden moves and auto judge win. We expect more renjufans play here and enjoy here. renjupost
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 48, 2002-11-23 Highlights - RENJU & GOMOKU ARCHIVES UPDATED _____________________________________________________________________ RENJU & GOMOKU ARCHIVES UPDATED (from Yahoo Renju Players Club) Are updated (23 November 2002): - PBeM games archives (RENJU & GOMOKU) - databases for A.Potapov's viewer (GOMOKU, RENJU e-mail WC2001/2002 - new) - RenLib databases (PBeM RENJU games, RENJU e-mail WC2001/2002 - new) http://mostovlyansky.narod.ru, Downloads Best regards, Oleg A.Mostovlyansky
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 47, 2002-11-19 Highlights - RESULTS FROM SWEDISH CHAMPIONSHIP OF FIVE IN A ROW _____________________________________________________________________ RESULTS FROM SWEDISH CHAMPIONSHIP OF FIVE IN A ROW (Gomoku with the Prohibited zone) In Sweden this game is called "Ryskt Luffarschack". The tournament was played in a little different way than usual, due to the low number of participants. It was decided to play a round robin tournament, 14 rounds, 4 games à 12 minutes in each round, i.e. each participant played 56 games during the week-end. The table of results, Högsjö 16-17 November 2002 1 Anders Bertilsson Högsjö LK 13,5 2 Linus Hermansson Högsjö LK 13 3 Tomas Hagenfors Kumla LF 11,5 4 Peter Carlsson Kumla LF 11,5 5 Linnea Widman AROLF 10 6 Sven-Åke Pettersson Högsjö LK 9 7 Linus Andersson Högsjö LK 6,5 8 Sandra Fjellström AROLF 5,5 8 Carl Hermansson Högsjö LK 5,5 10 Lars Hellander AROLF 5,5 11 Nils Widman AROLF 5 12 Adam Lindkvist Kumla LF 3,5 13 Cajsa-Tora Hermansson Högsjö LK 3 14 Linus Lindkvist Kumla LF 1 15 Isac Hermansson Högsjö LK 1 There is a report written in swedish, see http://www.renju.nu/se/SMiRysktLuffarschack2002.PDF
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 46, 2002-11-14 Highlights - RESULTS FROM CUP OF TYUMEN - 1ST STAGE _____________________________________________________________________ RESULTS FROM CUP OF TYUMEN - 1ST STAGE November, 7-10, 2002 in Tyumen (Russia, West Siberia region) the first stage of a Cup of Tyumen city on Renju was held. In total is planned three stages of the Cup. In January, 2003 - the second stage on Gomoku, in March, 2003 - the third stage on Renju. By results of three stages the Cup will be handed the best player. These competitions are devoted to the twentieth anniversary of development Renju in Tyumen. The Tyumen Cup on Renju. The First Stage. The Table of results. (The swiss seven rounds system) Place Participants Dan Points Buhg. Cup's Bonus 1 Lomakin Mikhail 4 Dan 6 30 3 2 Dvoeglazov Vladimir 3 Dan 6 29 2 3 Litvinenko Alexander 4 Dan 5 30 1 4 Litvinenko Andrey 4 Dan 5 29 5 Litvinenko Lyudmila 1 Dan 4 29 6-7 Prokop'ev Alexander 3 Dan 4 27 6-7 Serebrennikov Gennady 1 Kyu 4 27 8 Abishev Sergey 1 Kyu 4 20 9 Abil'kenov Aman 2 Dan 3 25 10 Pushkarev Dmitryi 1 Kyu 3 24 11 Saranchin Alexander 2 Dan 3 23 12 Kocherovsky Vadim 2 Kyu 3 20 13 Kovalenko Marina 1 Kyu 2 20 14 Saranchina Tat'yana 1 Kyu 2 18 15 Nikolaev Oleg 1 Dan 1 21 16 Obruch Artyem beginner 1 18 The Tyumen Cup on Renju. The First Stage. (Women) The Table of results. Place Participants Dan Points Cup's Bonus 1 Litvinenko Lyudmila 1 Dan 4 3 2 Kovalenko Marina 1 Kyu 2 2 3 Saranchina Tat'yana 1 Kyu 2 1 Main Reffery Saranchin Alexander Reffery Kravchenko Alla With best wishes, Vladimir Dvoeglazov
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 45, 2002-11-11 Highlights - RESULTS FROM THE RUSSIAN FIRST LEAGUE _____________________________________________________________________ RESULTS FROM THE RUSSIAN FIRST LEAGUE The First league of the Russian open championship was held in Nizhny Novgorod, November 2 - 8. 52 participants, Swiss system, 11 rounds. Two players have got 9,5 points and the same coefficient. But in personal game Karasyov won against Klimashin and got first place. Karasyov's victory is a big sensation because he was only 15-th in starting rating list. Top 9 players got right to participate in Russian Highest league in February. Numbers 10 - 13 are reserved. Players with 5,5 points and more are shown below. No Participants City Points Buhg. 1 Karasyov Maxim N. Novgorod 6d 9,5 78 2 Klimashin Alexander S-Petersburg 7d 9,5 78 3 Nikonov Konstantin Elektrostal 6d 9 74 4 Makarov Pavel Moscow 7d 7,5 79,5 5 Lebedeva Elena Podjuga 5d 7,5 71 6 Shevelev Sergey N. Novgorod 5d 7 76,5 7 Nekrasov Denis Podjuga 5d 7 71,5 8 Artemjev Sergey S-Petersburg 4d 7 71,5 9 Vershinin Pavel Podjuga 5d 7 70,5 10 Kazarin Mikhail Podjuga 5d 7 67 11 Vostrjakov Sergey Podjuga 5d 6,5 69 12 Soosyrv Ants Tallinn 7d 6,5 67 13 Sirategjan Karen Moscow 5d 6,5 54 14 Kareev Vladislav N. Novgorod 6d 6 77,5 15 Lents Johan Tallinn 5d 6 76 16 Ses Pavel S-Petersburg 6d 6 72,5 17 Filinov Vladimir S-Petersburg 5d 6 68 18 Gross Anna Zhiguljovsk 3d 6 62,5 19 Petrovsky Dmitry N.Novgorod 5d 6 61,5 20 Volkov Sergey Rybinsk 4d 6 61 21 Jonsson Peter Huskvarna 3d 6 59 22 Tuvikene Maris Tallinn 1d 6 52 23 Zubashenko Ivan S-Petersburg 2k 6 46,5 24 Chizhkina Elena N. Novgorod 4d 5,5 63 25 Epifanov Dmitry Moscow 1d 5,5 60 26 Sokolova Anastasia Rybinsk 3d 5,5 59,5 27 Mjasoedov Evgeny Rybinsk 3d 5,5 58,5 28 Osepjants Alexander N. Novgorod 1d 5,5 56 Friendly A. Skuridin.
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 44, 2002-11-06 Highlights - INFO FROM FIRST LEAGUE TOURNAMENT _____________________________________________________________________ INFO FROM FIRST LEAGUE TOURNAMENT The tournament of the First League, XI Championship of Russia is held now in Nizhny Novgorod (november 2-8) 52 participants take part in the tournament, 11 rounds Swiss System is used. The situation before the 7th round is as follows: Pl Participant City Pts Bukh Berg ------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Pavel Makarov Moscow 5 29 19.25 2-3. Konstantin Nikonov Elektrostal 5 27.5 17.5 Maxim Karasyov Nizhny Novgorod 5 27.5 17.5 4. Vladislav Kareyev Nizhny Novgorod 5 26.5 17.25 5. Sergej Shevelyov Nizhny Novgorod 5 24.5 15 6. Alexander Klimashin St.Petersburg 4.5 30.5 18 7. Sergej Artemyev St.Petersburg 4.5 25.5 13.5 8. Sergej Vostryakov Podyuga 4.5 24 14.25 9. Ants Soosyrv Tallinn 4 26 12.5 ------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Johann Lents Tallinn 4 25.5 12 11. Denis Nekrasov Podyuga 4 24 11 12. Pavel Vershinin Podyuga 4 23.5 11.5 13. Yelena Lebedeva Podyuga 4 22.5 10.5 14. Dmitry Petrovsky Nizhny Novgorod 4 22 10 ... All others have 3.5 points and lower. Top 9 will be qualified to the High League which will be held in February 2003. Friendly yours, Pavel Salnikov PS. Results after 7 rounds: (reported by Olga) Konstantin Nikonov and Maxim Karasev are leading with 6 points. Klimashin and Vostryakov are close to leaders - 5,5 points. Makarov, Shevelev, Kareev, Nekrasov, Lents and Lebedeva have 5 points. DS.
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 43, 2002-11-04 Highlights - YAMAGUCHI NEW MEIJIN - RESULTS FROM HELSINKI TOURNAMENTS - RESULTS FROM USA RENJU OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP - BEIJING OPEN TOURNAMENT WOMAN GROUP AND A GROUP DETAILS _____________________________________________________________________ YAMAGUCHI NEW MEIJIN Makoto Yamaguchi is the new Meijin of Japan!! He won against Kazuto Hasegawa with the score 3:1. In the last game, November 3, Yamaguchi played his favorite opening i3 as white, and managed to defend quite easily, and won later. Before the match, Nakamura had given up his right to play. We do not know much for now, except I was told that "he does not want to play". Mr. Yamaguchi was no2 in the World Championship in 1991. You can know more about this from www.renju.net/rif/ if you check the link World Championship. It is interesting to see how much fighting spirit and strength can Yamaguchi show after being away from renju over 8 years. The live broadcast from www.renjusha.net was a failure this year. They could not make a proper live show. The moves appeared with large groups after long delay, and when the game was over around 60 moves (as I was told), the website was still showing 35th move. Besides, previous 3 games are totally absent from website, Japanese visitors complained. Hopefully webmaster will put them back later. Ando Meritee ando@renju.net _____________________________________________________________________ RESULTS FROM HELSINKI TOURNAMENTS October 26, 2 quick tournaments were played in Helsinki. In the first tournament 2 guests from Estonia - Maris Tuvikene and Ester Eggert took part as well. 7 rounds, Italian system was played. Samuli won 2 last games against Maris and became winner. 1. Samuli Saarenpaa 6 2. Maris Tuvikene 5 3. Ester Eggert 4,5 4. Oskari Kauppila 4,5 5. Lauri Toivonen 4 6. Marko Pellikka 4 7. Marika Pellikka 4 8. Eelis Kokkonen 3 Anti Heikkila 3 10. Eevert Kokkonen 2 Santeri Saviranta 2 12. Samuli Saviranta 0 The second tournament was Round Robin. Samuli lost only to Oskari. 1. Samuli Saarenpaa 7 2. Marko Pellikka 7 3. Lauri Toivonen 6 4. Oskari Kauppila 5 5. Simo Siiria 4 6. Marika Pellikka 3 7. Antti Heikkila 2 8. Eevert Kokkonen 1 9. Santeri Saviranta 1 Friendly, Ants _____________________________________________________________________ RESULTS FROM USA RENJU OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP (from Yahoo Renju Players Club) Mike Kozhin won this tournament. Nick Alexandrov was N2 and Oleg Fedorkin N3 Vlad Talsky was N4, and also Dmitry Terekhov had participated. Vlad Talsky have to make games available for all in Internet. _____________________________________________________________________ BEIJING OPEN TOURNAMENT WOMAN GROUP AND A GROUP DETAILS Here is 2002 Beijing Open tournament result of Woman Group and A Group detail, in .html format. You can find tournament results in the following location: http://renju.nu/china/ RIF CHINA
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 42, 2002-10-26 Highlights - PBEM-WC2002 FINISHED - BEIJING OPEN TOURNAMENT RESULT DETAIL - IN MEMORY OF JORMA KARPPINEN _____________________________________________________________________ PBEM-WC2002 FINISHED (from Yahoo Renju Players Club) My congratulations to Vitaly Lunkin! All the games are finished and are avalaible online (http://mostovlyansky.narod.ru/, Renju, WC2002 games) Best regards, Oleg A.Mostovlyansky _____________________________________________________________________ BEIJING OPEN TOURNAMENT RESULT DETAIL Here is 2002 Beijing Open Tournament result detail. http://renju.nu/china/BGroup.xls RIF CHINA _____________________________________________________________________ IN MEMORY OF JORMA KARPPINEN Jorma Karppinen died in an accident July 7, 2002 I met Jorma for the first time when I tried to qualify for the National Swedish Championship (At that time rules was completely free played gomoku) in autumn 1978. This regional qualification tournament was arranged by the founder of the Swedish association Bertil Bokelius in Waexjoe, close to the place Orrefors where Jorma lived. Every match included 6 games. I had good success meeting the other players but in the final against Jorma I was leading with 3-0 but at last it became 3-3. We were both qualified for the Swedish Championship (November 1978) for the first time. I became no 3 and Jorma no 13. After that we met each other in many regional and national competions and we used to be the players qualified from our region (called Smaaland). In Swedish Championship 1979 Jorma was no 3 and 1980 he was no 4. Jorma was the best player in an international match 1980 (Sweden - Denmark 13-5). Before this match the matches Sweden-Denmark had been very even. (Former results: 1978 Sweden - Denmark 17-15, 1979: Sweden - Denmark 16-16.) Jorma was one of the five players that took part in the 1st Swedish Championship of Renju January, 17 1981. He was no 4. Then both Jorma and I was very active in Swedish Championships of Renju 1981-1988 as you can see on the following address: http://renju.nu/maraton/renjusm.htm (In this table 10 means no 1, 9 means no 2 and so on) In the first International tournament: Swedish International Championship of Renju in December 1982 Jorma was the only Swedish player to have a good result against Kosho Hayakawa. Their game became a draw. You can find a picture on this address: http://renju.nu/images/05swop92.gif Tommy Maltell
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 41, 2002-10-12 Highlights - RIF AND RENJU INFO - NEW VERSION OF RENJU EDITOR PROGRAM - RESULTS FROM 2002 BEIJING OPEN TOURNAMENT _____________________________________________________________________ RIF AND RENJU INFO Renjuclass teacher Ando Meritee is working on an unofficial site of RIF, with lots of valuable information about renju. http://www.renju.net/rif/ http://www.renjuclass.com/rif/ _____________________________________________________________________ NEW VERSION OF RENJU EDITOR PROGRAM Mike Guo has released a new english version of his Renju Editor program. http://www.renju2002.com/download/EditorEn.zip _____________________________________________________________________ RESULTS FROM 2002 BEIJING OPEN TOURNAMENT A group results: 1. Zhang Jinyu 2. Chen Wei 3. Li Ruifan 4. Xiao Di 5. Wu Hao 6. Shao Xiaodong 7. Xu Lei 8. Liu Chong 9. Hu Xi 10. Wang Wei Complete results are found in the Word document http://renju.nu/china/ResultOf2002BeijingOpenTournament.doc
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 40, 2002-10-05 Highlights - RESULTS FROM WETTERCUPEN 2002 - OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE USA - ADDITIONAL RULE REGARDING QT OF WC 2003 _____________________________________________________________________ RESULTS FROM WETTERCUPEN 2002 (Sep 28-29) This year was the ninth time this tournament was held. For the first time players from four countries took part. According to the tradition, the tournament was played with a cup system. However, the players that fought for the places 9-18 joined a Round-Robin tournament. Not surprisingly, Ants Soosorv won this competition. The best Swedish players seemed to be a little out of shape this time, so logically the fourth rated Swdeish, Martin Carlsson met Soosorv in the final. The 18 year old player, Peter Carlsson (not related to other Carlsson/ Karlsson Renju players) won all his nine games in the tournament for places 9-18. 1. Ants Soosorv Tallinn Estonia 2. Martin Carlsson Stockholm Sweden 3. Stefan Karlsson Stockholm Sweden 4. Peter Jonsson Jonkoping Sweden 5. Goran Holgersson Jonkoping Sweden 6. Irene Karlsson Stockholm Sweden 7. Sergei Olunin Nizhny Novgorod Russia 8. Joachim Gaulitz Stockholm Sweden 9. Peter Carlsson Kumla Sweden 10. Evelyn Tihkan Tallinn Estonia 11. Mikk Oblikas Tallinn Estonia 12. Sander Sulane Tallinn Estonia 13. Martin Karlsson Jonkoping Sweden 14. Jan Paulander Malmo Sweden 15. Bengt Nyberg Vadstena Sweden 16. Simo Siiria Helsinki Finland 17. Peeter Kolk Tallinn Estonia 18. Kaia Kolk Tallinn Estonia You can find photos from the tournament on http://www.lemes.se/kfumjkpg/020929/ Peter Jonsson Referee _____________________________________________________________________ OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE USA Open USA Championship will be held in Thousands Oaks near Los Angeles on Oct 26 - 27, 2002. Dmitry Terekhov, Michail Kozhin, Nick Alexandrov, Oleg Fedorkin, Slava Brover, Vladimir Talsky, Wil Huang among others will participate! Nick Alexandrov is a host organizer of the tournament. Anybody interested please send request to kolya_a@yahoo.com Best regards to all renju friends, Vladimir Talsky _____________________________________________________________________ ADDITIONAL RULE REGARDING QT OF WC 2003 The Central Committee has decided to add one extra rule regarding the participants of the Qualification Tournament of the World Championship 2003. "Additional rule for who have the right to take part in the Qualification Tournament of the World Championship 2003. On April 30 2003 a new list is made from the RIF official rating list. Among those players who have played at least 10 games during the period of May 1 2001 - April 30 2003, a Top 20 list is made. All of the players from this Top 20 list can take part in the Qualification Tournament of the World Championship 2003." The final dates for the World Championship 2003 will be: July 29 - Aug 8. July 29 QT July 30 QT July 31 QT Aug 1 Opening Ceremony Aug 2 AT, WT and BT Aug 3 AT, WT and BT Aug 4 AT, WT and BT Aug 5 RIF General Assembly and sightseeing Aug 6 AT, WT and BT Aug 7 AT, WT and BT Aug 8 AT, WT and BT. Closing Ceremony Later on it will be more detailed information but some information can be useful at this early stage. 1) Organizers can guarantee sleeping for maximum 25 SEK per night (in big sleeping hall). Other options are for example 4-person cabin (125 SEK for one night). 2) If you travel via Stockholm the bus trip Stockholm - Vadstena is maximum 225 SEK (one way). 3) The tournament fee is 200 SEK for all tournaments. (AT= A-tournament, WT= Women Championship, BT= B-tournament (open for all players), 1 USD = 9.40 SEK (today). More information will be published later. If you have questions please send a mail to Peter Jonsson : petejonsson@hotmail.com
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 39, 2002-09-24 Highlights - COMPLETE MEIJIN-SEN TOURNAMENT RESULTS - ALL E-MAIL WC2002 GAMES _____________________________________________________________________ COMPLETE MEIJIN-SEN TOURNAMENT RESULTS Meijin match will carry out between Mr Hasegawa and Mr Yamaguchi. Meijin-sen Tournament, September 14th-16th 1. Hasegawa Kazuto 9 dan 7-0-2 2. Yamaguchi Makoto 7 dan 7-2-0 3. Kudomi Takahiro 6 dan 4-3-2 4. Iio Yosihiro 7 dan 4-4-1 5. Isobe Taizan 9 dan 3-3-3 6. Takagawa Teiji 6 dan 3-4-2 7. Okabe Hiroshi 6 dan 4-5-0 8. Ishitani Shin-ichi 8 dan 2-4-3 9. Nishimura Toshio 9 dan 2-6-1 10. Matsuura Hiroshi 7 dan 0-6-3 _____________________________________________________________________ ALL E-MAIL WC2002 GAMES All e-mail WC2002 games are finished at the moment (943) are available on http://mostovlyansky.narod.ru, Renju, WC2002 games Best regards, Oleg A.Mostovlyansky
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 38, 2002-09-21 Highlights - THE RUSSIAN FIRST LEAGUE - MEIJINSEN-TOURNAMENT RESULTS - WORLD E-MAIL PRELIMINARY RESULTS _____________________________________________________________________ THE RUSSIAN FIRST LEAGUE The Russian first league will be held in Nizhny Novgorod November 2 - 8. November 2 - arrival day and opening ceremony. November 3 - 7 - playing days, two rounds per day. November 8 - last round and closing ceremony. You can send applications to Alexey Skuridin alexey_skuridin@hotmail.com. Friendly yours, Alexey Skuridin. _____________________________________________________________________ MEIJINSEN-TOURNAMENT RESULTS (from Yahoo Renju Players Club) Seems Hasegawa and Yamaguchi will play match instead of Nakamura- Hasegawa. The Meijinsen-Tournament had finished Hasegawa Yamaguchi Kudomi Okabe and so on you can see Renju-Sha Page _____________________________________________________________________ WORLD E-MAIL PRELIMINARY RESULTS (from Yahoo Renju Players Club) Vitaliy Lunkin (Russia) seems will be the next World E-mail Champion Jin Yu Zhang (China) again N2 , Vladimir Dvoeglazov (Russia) N3 N4 - Alexander Nosovsky (Russia) N5 Linas Laibinis (Lithania-Finland) N6 Ants Sooserv (Estonia) share with Konstantin Nikonov (Russia). There is playing the last game in Final between Bobkov and Jin Yu Zhang but seems it will be draw.
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 37, 2002-09-14 Highlights - ESTONIAN OPEN, YOUTH EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP, HELSINKI OPEN - RIF CHINA NEWS (THE FIRST BEIJING OPEN TOURNAMENT) - RESULTS FROM SVEALAND OPEN _____________________________________________________________________ ESTONIAN OPEN, YOUTH EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP, HELSINKI OPEN Estonian Open will held December 28.-30. in Tallinn, in Paul Keres Chess Center (Vene street 29). 7 rounds in Swiss will be played. Youth European Championship is planned to have in Karepa, August 12.- 19, 2003. At the same time Karepa Open for adults will be played. This tournament will be with alternative opening rules (exact regulations we will decide later). About this tournaments please contact with Ants Soosyrv - myror@email.ee, 372 56 69 73 82 Helsinki Open will not held this year. maybe its possible to have it in next spring Friendly, Ants _____________________________________________________________________ RIF CHINA NEWS (THE FIRST BEIJING OPEN TOURNAMENT) RIF CHINA will hold the first Beijing open tournament at Oct 01.2002-- -Oct .07 in Beijing .at that time Beijing Renju Committee (BRC) will come into existence. A lot of famous renju player will take part in this open tournament. For example : JinYu.Zhang (7 dan) Wei.Chen (7 dan) Wei.Na (7 dan) JianGuo.Peng (7 dan) Tong.Liou (6 dan) JingPing.Yu (6 dan) Dong.Li (6 dan) Yao.Lu (4 dan) XiaoDong.Shao (4 dan) Xi.Hu (4 dan) MuZhou.Gong (4 dan) Hao.Wu (4 dan) JinRui.Yao (3 dan) XiaoYan.Mi (3 dan) YuHao.Sun (2 dan) SiRan.xue (1 dan) Etc famous renju player …… We hope more foreign renju player can take part in this open tournament. And we have BRC documents of this Open Tournament with seal. http://www.renju.nu/images/wenjian1.jpg http://www.renju.nu/images/wenjian2.jpg Thanks RIF CHINA director : XiaoChun.Lu [rifchina@hotmail.com] _____________________________________________________________________ RESULTS FROM SVEALAND OPEN Gomoku tournament, played in Kumla, Sweden, 7th September 2002 1. Stefan Karlsson Stockholm 15 2. Anders Bertilsson Hogsjo 13 3. Joachim Gaulirz Stockholm 12 4. Martin Carlsson Jönköping 11 (42) 5. Peter Carlsson Kumla 11 (39) 6. Tomas Hagenfors Kumla 10 7. Peter Jonsson Jönköping 7 (18,5) Irene Karlsson Stockholm 7 (18,5) 9. Morgan Svensson Kumla 3 10. Adam Lindkvist Kumla 1
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 36, 2002-09-02 Highlights - ONLINE GAME SERVER GAMBLER.RU _____________________________________________________________________ ONLINE GAME SERVER GAMBLER.RU (from Yahoo Renju Players Club) Hello dear friends! In the beginning brief deviation: I hope, that this information, which I would like to share with you, it will be interesting and useful to you. I do not pursue any commercial benefit from it and it is not connected in any way to authors of the project of game server Gambler. It is not commercial of the given server. I only want to make the information on a server accessible to you, who does not know about it anything yet (as well as I one week ago), and, certainly, I wish to expand a circle of participants of a server on game Renju. So, I would like to acquaint you with very interesting and useful to fans of logic games by an internet-site and also to invite you to play on-line games and to participate in on-line tournaments. The address: http://www.gambler.ru For renju: http://renju.gambler.ru The Internet-client program is made very convenient for users and easily allows to be connected to users working as directly, and as well as working through a proxy-server from the workstation. The Gambler (game server) has extremely rich, convenient and useful to players functional filling. Come and be convinced in it! Especially I want to emphasize a number of the interesting moments for fans of games Renju (both classical, and free) and Gomoku: the Server supports the following regulations Renju: - classical Renju without the regulations and with the regulations accepted by the Renju International Federation (RIF); - free Renju with central forbidden square 5x5 without the rules, and also with regulations with change of color after 3-rd move. Among visitors of the Gambler game server there are such strong Renju players known to me as: Alexander Klimashin (S-Petersburg), Sergey Artem'ev (S-Petersburg), Konstantin Vodolazsky (S-Petersburg), Kireev (N.Novgorod), El'dar Dzaynukov (Baku), Oleg Stepanov (a planet the Earth), Michael Birjukov, Sergey Masljaev, Sergey Zanchenko, Nikolay Karpenko (Moscow), Michael Sobolev (Samara), Sergey Fedotov (Krasnoyarsk), Alexey Potapov (Komsomolsk), Dmitry Epifanov (Moscow), and so on. I ask to excuse me if someone will not find itself in the list. Simply I have not had time to investigate the list of participants on time, it is huge really. Every each week on-line tournaments on Renju and Gomoku will be carried out. Toss-ups, calculation of results and the other kitchen accompanying each tournament is carried out automatically, that it is very convenient for participants and saves their time. The next tournament is held September, 3, 2002 at 18:30 Moscow time on Renju. The control of time of 10 minutes to the participant on each party game. All interested persons are invited. I bring the brief fact-finding information from The Gambler game server below: " For those who at us for the first time Once again welcome! We hope to you at us it is pleasant also you take pleasure not only in favourite game, but also from dialogue with pleasant people, from competition to real and strong opponents, from an opportunity of dialogue behind a table on the native language. What You can do there: To play preference, a bridge, backgammons, Renju, a chess, Deberts, Belot, pair Belot, checkers(blocks), Othello, and many others with other people from all world. To accumulate a rating on any game and to compete with other participants. To observe of game of other participants, and if players of nothing have against to see simultaneously all cards - that very important for beginners who want to learn to play at masters To communicate in a chat with other participants of game, at desire " to disconnect a voice " any other participant that is to not hear it(him). To address messages to concrete participants (to whisper, leave messages to players if they are not present in club To analyze the played games and delivery, to see all statistics of your game in club, to look through games and statistics of other players How to start? Download program Gambler.exe. Unpack it in any directory and start a file gambler.exe! Now the most difficult behind! Registration. It is not present (it is not necessary)! After start of the program it is necessary to specify only the interface (English or Russian) and if connection to Internet at you is carried out through Proxy- server the address and port of a proksi-server. Further at you will are requested LOGIN and the password. Enter desirable by you LOGIN, specify ANY password (only do not forget it) and enter! If the login- name appears free (not used someone else), you are successfully connected to a server and will enter club! Also what is farther? And is farther, for example, it will be offered to you to fill in a personal card - the information on. It seems to you, what this excess?.. That to induce you it to do nobody can (and does not want), however more than half of players of our club fill in the data on and due to it know with whom play! Besides it is the obligatory requirement for the introduction into full members of club. Unfortunately, WHILE the documentation to gambler.exe is not present a part, there are only instructions for use a chat. We hope, that the interface to you will be friendly enough also you (can be by means of other players), quickly will understand and will start to play. While one advice - press the right button of a mousy!: With its help it is possible to make all. Our very useful LINKs: - Who now on a server? - Cities – participants - Gambler Members of club Gambler Have You the Problem? Yes, without them, unfortunately, anywhere. FAQ at us is not present, therefore hardly that - write the letter! We necessarily shall help you! WE do all this for you! We want, that the server developed also players took pleasure in game and raised the level. Therefore we very much wait from you for remarks, wishes, any manuals and lectures, advice (councils) and greetings to the address gambler@gambler.ru " Yours faithfully, Vladimir Dvoeglazov (dvoeglazov)
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 35, 2002-08-16 Highlights - RESULTS FROM EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP _____________________________________________________________________ RESULTS FROM EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP Final results of European Championship, (Aug.11.-15., Karepa, 9 rounds Swiss): 1. Igor Sinev (Russia) 8 2. Tunnet Taimla (Estonia) 6,5 3. Pavel Makarov (Russia) 6 4. Stefan Karlsson (Sweden) 6 5. Pavel Salnikov (Russia) 6 6. Alexander Klimashin (Russia) 5,5 7. Vladimir Semenov (Russia) 5 8. Yulia Savrasova (Russia) 5 9. Irina Metreveli (Russia) 5 10. Johann Lents (Estonia) 4,5 11. Andrey Khramov (Uzbekistan) 4,5 12. Konstantin Nikonov (Russia) 4,5 13. Andry Purk (Estonia) 4,5 14. Sergey Artemyev (Russia) 4,5 15. Victor Golossov (Russia) 4 16. Nizami Heybatov (Aserbaidjan) 4 17. Lauri Toivonen (Finland) 3 18. Maris Tuvikene (Estonia) 3 19. Vladimir Kolesnik (Ukraine) 2,5 20. Eldar Dzainukov (Aserbaidjan) 2,5 21. Timo Ilu (Estonia) 2,5 22. Marko Pellikka (Finland) 2 B-Tournament, double Round Robin: 1. Natalya Vassilyeva (Russia) 12 2. Irene Karlsson (Estonia) 9 3. Sander Sulane (Estonia) 7 4. Kaia Kolk (Estonia) 4,5 5. Mikk Oblikas (Estonia) 4,5 6. Peeter Kolk (Estonia) 3 7. Juho Jappinen (Finland) 2 Friendly, Ants
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 34, 2002-08-12 Highlights - RESULTS FROM EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP QUALIFICATION - RENJU FOR BEGINNERS IN VIETNAMESE LANGUAGE _____________________________________________________________________ RESULTS FROM EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP QUALIFICATION Here are results of European Championship Qualification, played in Karepa Aug. 7-9. 7 rounds, Swiss system, 3 best got places in EC final (it will held Aug. 11-15.): Irina Metreveli (Russia) 5,5 Sergei Artemyev (Russia) 5 (27) Lauri Toivonen (Finland) 5 (23,5) (14,5) Pavel Ses (Russia) 5 (23,5) (14) Natalja Vasiljeva (Russia) 4,5 Igor Samotsvetov (Russia) 4,5 Irene Karlsson (Estonia) 3,5 Mikk Oblikas (Estonia) 3 Sander Sulane (Estonia) 3 Juho Jappinen (Finland) 1 Kaia Kolk (Estonia) 1 Peeter Kolk (Estonia) 1 Stefan Karlsson wrote article about battle in QT. Evelyn put it very soon to RW internetpage, so You can read it. Here are full results of the tournament: round Karlsson-Toivonen 1-0, Yeppinen-Metreveli 0-1, Vasiljeva- Samotsvetov 1-0, Artemyev-Ses 1-0, Kolk, P-Oblikas 0-1, Kolk,K-Sulane 0-1 round Sulane –Karlsson 0-1, Metreveli-Artemyev 1-0, Oblikas-Vasiljeva 0-1, Ses-Yeppinen 1-0, Samotsvetov-Kolk,P 1-0, Toivonen-Kolk,K 1-0 round Karlsson-Metreveli 0-1, Vasiljeva-Ses 1-0, Artemyev-Sulane 1-0, Oblikas-Samotsvetov 0-1, Kolk,P-Toivonen 0-1, Kolk,K-Yeppinen 0-1 Metreveli-Vasiljeva 0,5-0,5, Samptsvetov-Karlsson 0.5-0.5, Toivonen- Artemyev 1-0, Ses-Oblikas 1-0, Yeppinen-Sulane 0-1, Kolk,P-Kolk,K 0-1 Toivonen-Metreveli 0-1, Karlsson-Vasiljeva 0-1, Sulane-Samotsvetov 0- 1, Kolk,K-Ses 0-1, Artemyev-Oblikas 1-0, Yeppinen-Kolk,P, Metreveli-Samotsvetov 1-0, Vasiljeva –Toivonen 0-1, Ses-Karlsson 1-0, Artemyev-Yeppinen 1-0, Sulane-Kolk,P, 1-0, Oblikas-Kolk,K 1-0 Ses-Metreveli 1-0, Vasiljeva – Artemyev 0-1, Toivonen-Sulane 1-0, Samotsvetov –Kolk,K. 1-0, Kolk,P.-Karlsson 0-1, Yeppinen-Oblikas 0-1 Ants _____________________________________________________________________ RENJU FOR BEGINNERS IN VIETNAMESE LANGUAGE Alexander Nosovsky's book "Renju for beginners" is translated to vietnamese by Chu Nhan. This book will be very important for future Vietnamese players. You can find it on Alexander Nosovsky's Page http://www.renju.nu/nosovsky/index.htm
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 33, 2002-07-28 Highlights - YOUTH WC HAS STARTED _____________________________________________________________________ YOUTH WC HAS STARTED (from Yahoo Renju Players Club) Now Youth WC were started at Poduga. 67 young boys and girls are playing for 4 Youth World Champion titles. In old till 21 year boys group it will be interesting fight between Konstantin Chingin (7 Dan) and Hiroshi Okabe (6 Dan) Japan. In Young boys group Tunnet Taimla seems will be favorit. In girls final - Lebedeva , Savrasova, and other will play for first place, but already have a senseation Anna Gross won against world champion among womans Yulia Savrasova. You can see fresh results from http://www.renju.h1.ru/Group.htm
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 32, 2002-07-25 Highlights - EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP CONTACTS - PBEM-WC2002 GAMES _____________________________________________________________________ EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP CONTACTS I will be in Russia July 24.- August 3., in Youth WC. If anybody need some papers for European Championship this period, please contact to Helen Veebel. She is Director of Hobbycenter Kullo at the moment. Her contacts are - kullo@kullo.ee, 372 - 56 - 670028. If You send e-mail, please copy it to me, maybe I can read e-mails sometimes. Ants Soosyrv _____________________________________________________________________ PBEM-WC2002 GAMES (from Yahoo Renju Players Club) 1. I don't know who will be a champion and who will take a second place this year... but the PBeM-WC2002 games are finished (806 now) you can see here: http://mostovlyansky.narod.ru, Renju, WC2002 2. The RENJU/GOMOKU games archives are updated (till now - 14 July 2002): http://mostovlyansky.narod.ru, Downloads Best regards, Oleg A.Mostovlyansky P.S. If you for any reason aren't able to download the archives but want to obtain them - let me know.
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 31, 2002-07-08 Highlights - CHINA RENJU TOURNAMENT, AUG 2-4 _____________________________________________________________________ CHINA RENJU TOURNAMENT, AUG 2-4 China renju tournment will be held in 2nd-4th ,Aug,2002 in China Qiyuan. This is 1st time organize and held by China gaverment in Chinarenju history. Please take attention on China renju tournrment. Please have a look the document given by China Qiyuan: http://www.chinarenju.com/xinwen/07.htm
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 30, 2002-07-07 Highlights - EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP INFORMATION _____________________________________________________________________ EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP INFORMATION Hello! Some information about European Championship: Bus to Karepa for QT players will leave from Tallinn Hobbycenter Kullo (Tallinn, Mustamae tee 59) Aug.6. 10.00 For Final players bus to Karepa will leave from Tallinn Aug. 10. 12. 00, not 10.00, like I told to some players before. Bus from Karepa to Tallinn reach back Aug. 16. 14.30 More exact information - regulation with time schedule and preliminary list of participants I add with attachment. Preliminary list of players in EC Final The 6th European Championship of Renju Friendly, Ants Soosyrv, myror@email.ee, asoosyrv@hotmail.com, 372-6777852, mobil - 372- 56697382
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 29, 2002-07-01 Highlights - RESULTS OF ESTONIAN QUALIFICATION _____________________________________________________________________ RESULTS OF ESTONIAN QUALIFICATION Estonian Qualification to European Championship was played June 29. Results: 1.-2. Taimla and Lents 3,5 points 3. Ilu 2 4. Timmermann 1 5. Purk 0 All 5 players got places in European Championship final. Friendly, Ants
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 28, 2002-06-22 Highlights - YOUTH WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP SITE _____________________________________________________________________ YOUTH WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP SITE Hello, renju friends! There is a site http://www.renju.h1.ru/ about the Youth World championship. But only few countries sent applications. We have not got applications from Sweden, China, Armenia, South Korea, Finland and same other countries yet. Gentlemen, responsible for renju development among children in those countries, are You going to send delegations to the Youth World championship? Do You realize that children are future of renju? As can You see organizers have made a lot of efforts to hold this tournament in good level. But what this tournament will be: the Russian-open or the real World championship? Friendly yours, A. Skuridin - chairman of the RIF Youth commission.
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 27, 2002-06-16 Highlights - RESULTS OF MOSCOW OPEN _____________________________________________________________________ RESULTS OF MOSCOW OPEN Moscow Open (June 07 - 09) Standings Surname Points Buch Berger Wins 1 MAKAROV P., (4) 6.5 28.5 25.25 6 2 TARANNIKOV YU., (2) 6.5 28.0 24.75 6 3 SINYOV I., (1) 5.0 30.0 17.00 5 4 EPIFANOV D., (12) 4.0 19.5 9.50 3 5 NIKONOV K., (3) 3.5 31.0 10.00 3 6 SIRATEGYAN K., (8) 3.5 30.0 10.25 3 7 GOLOSOV V., (5) 3.5 29.5 12.00 3 8 SKURIDIN A., (7) 3.5 22.5 6.00 3 9 KAZARIN M., (6) 3.5 20.0 6.25 3 10 METREVELI I., (11) 3.0 26.5 5.50 3 11 NEKRASOV D., (9) 3.0 21.5 4.50 3 12 VASILEVA N., (10) 3.0 18.5 6.00 1 13 LOKSHTANOVA A., (13) 1.5 19.5 1.50 1 14 TARANNIKOVA E., (14) 0.0 21.0 0.00 0 LAPTEVA N., (15) 1.0 7.0 3.50 0 Results Surname 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sco Place 1. SINYOV I., W8 W6 L2 W7 L4 W11 W3 5.0 3 2. TARANNIKOV YU., W9 W5 W1 D4 W3 W8 W11 6.5 2 3. NIKONOV K., D10 W15 L4 W12 L2 W6 L1 3.5 5 4. MAKAROV P., W11 W7 W3 D2 W1 W5 W8 6.5 1 5. GOLOSOV V., W12 L2 L8 W9 W6 L4 D10 3.5 7 6. KAZARIN M., W13 L1 W9 D8 L5 L3 W14 3.5 9 7. SKURIDIN A., W14 L4 W11 L1 L8 D10 W13 3.5 8 8. SIRATEGYAN K., L1 W13 W5 D6 W7 L2 L4 3.5 6 9. NEKRASOV D., L2 W10 L6 L5 W14 W13 L12 3.0 11 10. VASILEVA N., D3 L9 L12 W14 D13 D7 D5 3.0 12 11. METREVELI I., L4 W14 L7 W13 W12 L1 L2 3.0 10 12. EPIFANOV D., L5 BYE W10 L3 L11 W14 W9 4.0 4 13. LOKSHTANOVA A., L6 L8 W14 L11 D10 L9 L7 1.5 13 14. TARANNIKOVA E., L7 L11 L13 L10 L9 L12 L6 0.0 14 15. LAPTEVA N., BYE L3 1.0
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 26, 2002-05-25 Highlights - EUROBLITZTOURNAMENT _____________________________________________________________________ EUROBLITZTOURNAMENT Today is Eurosong competition in Tallinn and also renju blitztournament with europrizes :-) was organised by central chessshouse. Unfortunately only 6 players took part, but tournament was really interesting. We played double Round Robin. After beating Timo Ilu in 1. game I couldnt imagine, that it was his last loss in the tournament... Results: 1. Timo Ilu 9 2. Ants Soosyrv 8 3. Tunnet Taimla 7 4.-5. Johann Lents and Andry Purk 3 6. Sander Sulane 0 Friendly, Ants
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 25, 2002-05-22 Highlights - ONCE MORE ABOUT YOUTH WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP _____________________________________________________________________ ONCE MORE ABOUT YOUTH WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP Irina Metreveli as organiser of Youth World Championship asked me to write this letter. She is very worried about situation, because very small number of countries and players has given their applications to take part in Youth WC. She havent get any applications from such renjucountries as China, Sweden, Armenia, Korea, Ukraine and others. Organisers have used much money and efforts to make it this competition really good - I am sure it will be wonderful renjuparty. So, please support their efforts and try to send Your delegation to Poduga! I remind You also the old information about Youth WC: THE 4TH YOUTH WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP The 4th Youth World Championship of Renju will be held 27 July – 2 August 2002 in Podjuga (Archangelsk region, Russia). It possible to get Podjuga from Moscow or from S-Petersburg by train (~ 16 hours). There will be 4 groups of players: 1) Group A – boys, who are born 1982-1987; 2) Group B – boys, who are born 1988 and later; 3) Group C – girls, who are born 1982 – 1987; 4) Group D – girls, who are born 1988 and later. Tournament fee is $10. The chief organizer is Irina Metreveli (E-mail: renmiv@atnet.ru). Organization committee needs to know how many countries and how many players are going to take part in the competition. So please, send your applications as soon as possible to Irina Metreveli and Alexey Skuridin (E-mail: alexey_skuridin@hotmail.com) Friendly, Ants Soosyrv, member of RIF Youth commision
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 24, 2002-05-20 Highlights - BLITZ CHAMPIONSHIP OF ST.PETERSBURG _____________________________________________________________________ BLITZ CHAMPIONSHIP OF ST.PETERSBURG On May 19 the Blitz Championship of St.Petersburg was played. 12 players took part in the tournament. Tournament system was Round- Robin System. Final Standings: 1. Sergey Artemyev 10 2. Alexandr Klimashin 10 3. Vladimir Sushkov 9 4. Pavel Salnikov 7 5. Nonna Salnikova 7 6. Maxim Arevkov 5 7. Andrej Arefjev 5 8. Konstantin Vodolazsky 4.5 9. Viktor Balabay 3.5 10. Lyudvik Bushkovsky 2 11. Viktor Alexandrov 2 :))) 12. Ivan Zubaschenko 1 Friendly yours, Pavel Salnikov
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 23, 2002-05-15 Highlights - XX Championship of St.Petersburg - Open Tournament "Window to Europe" - X Russian Championship among women _____________________________________________________________________ XX Championship of St.Petersburg January-April 2002 Round-Robin System, 11 participants Pl Participant Dan Points Berger ----------------------------------------------- 1. Alexandr Klimashin 7 dan 9 41.00 2. Sergey Artemyev 2 dan 8.5 33.75 3. Pavel Salnikov 7 dan 7.5 27.25 4. Viktor Alexandrov 6 dan 7 25.50 5. Maxim Arevkov 4 kju 5.5 16.00 6. Nonna Salnikova 3 dan 5 18.50 7. Konstantin Vodolazsky 1 dan 4.5 14.50 8. Viktor Balabaj 3 kju 4 9.00 9. Lyudvik Bushkovsky 1 kju 2 4.50 10. Ivan Zubaschenko 4 kju 2 2.00 11. Andrej Arefiev 3 kju 0 0.00 Open Tournament "Window to Europe" St.Petersburg, 23-25.04.2002 Swiss System, 7 rounds, 17 participants Pl Participant Town Dan Points Bukhg. Berger ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Ants Soosyrv Tallinn 7 dan 6 30.0 26.0 2. Pavel Salnikov St.Petersburg 7 dan 5.5 27.5 19.0 3. Alexey Skuridin Nizhny Novgorod 4 dan 5 29.5 18.5 4. Vladimir Semyonov St.Petersburg 5 dan 5 20.5 14.0 5. Evgeny Bobkov Moscow 4 dan 4.5 29.0 15.0 6. Irina Metreveli Podyuga 4 dan 4 31.5 16.5 7. Sergey Artemyev St.Petersburg 2 dan 4 26.0 11.5 8. Nonna Salnikova St.Petersburg 3 dan 4 25.0 10.0 9. Viktor Balabaj St.Petersburg 2 kju 4 23.5 8.5 10. Maxim Arevkov St.Petersburg 2 kju 3 27.0 8.0 11. Ivan Zubaschenko St.Petersburg 3 kju 3 26.5 8.5 12. Vitaly Lunkin Moscow 4 dan 3 25.0 9.5 13. Andrej Arefiev St.Petersburg 3 kju 3 21.0 3.5 14. Lyudvik Bushkovsky St.Petersburg 1 kju 3 18.5 3.5 15. Andrej Khramov Tashkent 5 dan 2.5 24.5 7.5 16. Oleg Mostovlyansky Minsk 5 kju 2.5 20.0 2.5 17. Vitaly Bushkovsky St.Petersburg 10 kju 1 21.5 0.0 X Russian Championship among women St.Petersburg, 7-11.05.2002 Round-Robin System, 10 participants Pl Participant Town Dan Points Berger ----------------------------------------------------------- 1. Yuliya Savrasova Podyuga 6 dan 8.5 33.75 2. Irina Metreveli Podyuga 4 dan 7.5 26.00 3. Natalia Vasilieva Rybinsk 4 dan 6 20.25 4. Anastasia Leshukova Rybinsk 4 dan 5.5 17.75 5. Yelena Lebedeva Podyuga 4 dan 5 13.75 6. Oksana Sorokina Podyuga 4 dan 4.5 13.50 7. Yelena Chizhkina N.Novgorod 3 dan 3 10.00 8. Anastasia Sokolova Rybinsk 3 dan 3 5.00 9. Nonna Salnikova St.Petersburg 3 dan 2 3.00 10. Anastasia Pushkina Rybinsk 3 kju 0 0.00 Friendly yours, Pavel Salnikov
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 22, 2002-05-09 Highlights - EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP _____________________________________________________________________ EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP European Championship will held in Karepa (Estonia) this year. International qualification to EC will held Aug. 6.-9. and the final Aug. 10.-16. Tournament fee including food and accomodation is 35 USD for QT and 50 USD for the final. In final has Russia 8, Ukraine 6, Estonia 5, Sweden 4 and other RIF countries 2 places. Countries outside from RIF have 1 place each in final. In QT can play every player and 3 best will get place in final. Please tell me about Your participation before June 1, later can be problems with accomodation. Friendly, Ants Soosyrv, asoosyrv@hotmail.com, myror@email.ee, 372-6777852
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 21, 2002-05-05 Highlights - RESULTS FROM THE RENJU WORLD TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP 2002 - QINGQING LAB - ONLINE GOMOKU GAME _____________________________________________________________________ RESULTS FROM THE RENJU WORLD TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP 2002 The tournament was played in Vadstena, Sweden from April 29 - May 3. First all eight teams played Round Robin and then number 1 and 2 played final, number 3 and 4 played for 3:rd prize and so on. THE TEAMS ESTONIA: 1 Ants Soosorv 2 Tunnet Taimla 3 Johann Lents 4 Timo Ilu 5 Maris Tuvikene JAPAN 1 Hideki Nara 2 Yoshihiro Iio 3 Takahiro Kudomi 4 Yasuhiro Adachi RUSSIA-1 1 Pavel Salnikov 2 Alexandr Klimashin 3 Sergey Artemyev 4 Alexey Skuridin 5 Vladimir Semyonov RUSSIA-2 1 Olga Skuridina-Jonsson 2 Vladimir Dvoeglazov 3 Viktor Alexandrov 4 Dmitriy Yepifanov SOUTH KOREA 1 Kim Chang Hoon 2 Lee Yub Sub 3 Joung Seong Jae 4 Lee Soon Sung 5 Kwon Jun Chul SWEDEN-1 1 Stefan Karlsson 2 Petter Gardstrom 3 Goran Holgersson 4 Linus Hermansson 5 Joachim Gaulitz SWEDEN-2 1 Tord Andersson 2 Martin Carlsson 3 Marcus Eriksson 4 Bjorn Eriksson 5 Peter Jonsson UKRAINE 1 Vladimir Nazarov 2 Olexandr Drozd 3 Kostyantin Piddubny 4 Vladimir Kolesnik Round 1 Japan - Estonia 1 - 3 Russia2 - Russia1 1.5 - 2.5 Ukraine - South Korea 1.5 - 2.5 Sweden2 - Sweden1 2 - 2 Round 2 Japan - Russia2 1 - 3 Estonia - Sweden1 1.5 - 2.5 South Korea - Sweden2 1.5 - 2.5 Russia1 - Ukraine 4 - 0 Round 3 Russia2 - Estonia 0 - 4 Ukraine - Japan 2 - 2 Sweden1 - South Korea 3.5 - 0.5 Sweden2 - Russia1 2 - 2 Round 4 Estonia - South Korea 4 - 0 Russia1 - Sweden1 3 - 1 Russia2 - Ukraine 2.5 - 1.5 Japan - Sweden2 1 - 3 Round5 Ukraine - Estonia 1 - 3 Sweden2 - Russia2 1 - 3 Sweden1 - Japan 3 - 1 South Korea - Russia1 0 - 4 Round6 Estonia - Russia1 0.5 - 3.5 Ukraine - Sweden2 1.5 - 2.5 Russia2 - Sweden1 1 - 3 Japan - South Korea 3 - 1 Round7 Sweden2 - Estonia 0 - 4 Sweden1 - Ukraine 3 - 1 South Korea - Russia2 1.5 - 2.5 Russia1 - Japan 2 - 2 Results from the qualification 1. Russia1 21.0 2. Estonia 20.0 3. Sweden1 18.0 4. Russia2 13.5 5. Sweden2 13.0 6. Japan 11.0 7. Ukraine 8.5 8. South Korea 7.0 Final Russia1 - Estonia 6 - 2 For 3:rd place Sweden1 - Russia2 6 - 2 For 5:th place Japan - Sweden2 5 - 3 For 7:th place South Korea - Ukraine 5 - 3 Peter Jonsson Referee _____________________________________________________________________ QINGQING LAB - ONLINE GOMOKU GAME I developed a website called Qingqing Lab and there is a online gomoku game (AI). The address is http://eng.qingqinglab.net/ Chinese version is available at http://qingqinglab.net/ Shaoyu Wang
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 20, 2002-04-17 Highlights - VCT SOLVER _____________________________________________________________________ VCT SOLVER You can find a VCT solver by xiangdong wen on the web site http://math.temple.edu/~wen/renju/vct/ "Here is a VCThree solver which intends to solve the Renju VCT problems. Compare with VCF solver, the VCT solver is much more complicated. and also it's difficult for me to check the errors of the program. By now(04/16/02) it could solve all the 1 Dan problems packed with the solver. But it is far from complete. I will correct the errors and also improve the speed of the solver later. Download the current version(dated at 04/16/02) from here."
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 19, 2002-04-07 Highlights - RESULTS FROM SWEDISH CHAMPIONSHIPS _____________________________________________________________________ RESULTS FROM SWEDISH CHAMPIONSHIPS played 3-7 of april in Stockholm, round robin. 1. Joachim Gaulitz 6.5 2. Göran Holgersson 6 3. Linus Hermansson 5.5 4. Hannes Hermansson 5 (23.25) 5. Peter Jonsson 5 (18) 6. Björn Wallgren 4 7. Björn Eriksson 3.5 (15.75) 7. Marcus Eriksson 3.5 (15.75) 9. Tord Andersson 3.5 (13.75) 10. Jan Palmgren 3.5 (13.25) Results "lilla" SM. Open tournament played 6-7 april in Stockholm, first two qualified for Swedish Championships next year, round robin. 1. Martin Carlsson 8 2. Tomas Hagenfors 7 (25) 3. Bengt Nyberg 7 (24) 4. Jörgen Rehnstedt 6 (20) 5. Peter Carlsson 6 (18) 6. Kristoffer Fjellström 4 7. Linnea Widman 3 (5) 8. Lars Hellander 3 (4) 9. Sandra Fjellström 1 10. Karl-Axel Dahlberg 0 Friendly yours Björn Eriksson [b__eriksson@hotmail.com]
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 18, 2002-04-07 Highlights - ESTONIAN CUP _____________________________________________________________________ ESTONIAN CUP Results from Estonian Cup (20 players started): 1/4 finals Margus Tuvikene - Maris Tuvikene 3-0 Tunnet Taimla - Ester Eggert 3-0 Ants Soosyrv - Pavel Voznyuk 3-0 Johann Lents - Timo Ilu 3-0 1/2 finals Taimla - Tuvikene 3-0 Soosyrv - Lents 3-0 In final met No 1 (by estonian rating in the tournament) Tunnet Taimla and No 2 Ants Soosyrv. Winner of Estonian Cup 2002 is Tunnet Taimla, who beat Ants Soosyrv 3-2 Friendly, Ants
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 17, 2002-03-29 Highlights - MOSCOW CUP 2001 _____________________________________________________________________ MOSCOW CUP 2001 Moscow Cup 2001 Final in finished. Konstantin Chingin beat Yuriy Tarannikov 3.5:2.5 and won Moscow Cup 2001. 1st game Tarannikov - Chingin 11D, R, 0:1 2nd game Tarannikov - Chingin 3D, -, 0.5:0.5 3rd game Tarannikov - Chingin 11D, R, 1:0 4th game Tarannikov - Chingin 3D, -, 0.5:0.5 Additional short games (30 min to each player) until first victory 5th game Tarannikov - Chingin 3D, -, 0.5:0.5 6th game Tarannikov - Chingin 8D, R, 0:1 Moscow Cup 2002 is in process now at the stage of 1/8 - 1/4.
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 16, 2002-03-24 Highlights - THE RESULTS OF NIZHNY NOVGOROD OPEN TOURNAMENT - THE 4TH YOUTH WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP _____________________________________________________________________ THE RESULTS OF NIZHNY NOVGOROD OPEN TOURNAMENT (March 15-17, 24 players, Swiss system): 1. Mikhailov Alexander (Moscow) VI dan - 6,5 points 2. Kareev Vladislav (Nizhny Novgorod) VI dan - 6,5 3. Makarov Pavel (Moscow) VII dan - 5,5 4. Shevelev Sergey (Nizhny Novgorod) IV dan - 5,5 5. Chizhkina Elena (Nizhny Novgorod) IV dan - 5,5 6. Skuridin Alexey (Nizhny Novgorod) IV dan - 5 7. Provorov Yury (Nizhny Novgorod) 1 kju - 5 8. Karasjov Maxim (Nizhny Novgorod) V dan - 4,5 9. Berezin Roman (Nizhny Novgorod) 4 kju - 4,5 10. Grishnin Stepan (Nizhny Novgorod) I dan - 4,5 11. Petrovsky Dmitry (Nizhny Novgorod) IV dan - 4 Tournament was devoted to 18th anniversary of Nizhny Novgorod renju club. Friendly yours, A. Skuridin _____________________________________________________________________ THE 4TH YOUTH WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP The 4th Youth World Championship of Renju will be held 27 July – 2 August 2002 in Podjuga (Archangelsk region, Russia). It possible to get Podjuga from Moscow or from S-Petersburg by train (~ 16 hours). There will be 4 groups of players: 1) Group A – boys, who are born 1982-1987; 2) Group B – boys, who are born 1988 and later; 3) Group C – girls, who are born 1982 – 1987; 4) Group D – girls, who are born 1988 and later. Tournament fee is $10. The chief organizer is Irina Metreveli (E-mail: renmiv@atnet.ru). Organization committee needs to know how many countries and how many players are going to take part in the competition. So please, send your applications as soon as possible to Irina Metreveli and Alexey Skuridin (E-mail: alexey_skuridin@hotmail.com) Sincerely yours, A. Skuridin
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 15, 2002-03-19 Highlights - SUPER FIVE-STONE-GAME _____________________________________________________________________ SUPER FIVE-STONE-GAME I have written a renju/gomoku program 'Super five-stone-game' which won the 3rd Computer Renju Solution WorldCup. Now I have a web site for it. This is a Java program, so you can play with it on my site anytime. There are two languages - English and Japanese. Chinese language (simpfied and big5) will be available too. http://www.5stone.net/ Hope you enjoy it! Best regards Tongxiang Zhang [tongxiang@hotmail.com]
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 14, 2002-03-17 Highlights - ALEXANDER NOSOVSKY'S PAGE - OLEG A.MOSTOVLYANSKY'S PAGE _____________________________________________________________________ ALEXANDER NOSOVSKY'S PAGE Dear Renju friends I have again WWW-Page. You can find it at http://nosovsky.narod.ru There are some materials, programs and information which you can download from this place. There are some fresh materials for instance some games from Russian Final which was finished at 2 March. Blackstone users can download new improved version of this program version 3.7 for powerfull mashines (Pentium 900 or more, AMD 1333 or more). (For users of Blackstone it is free, you need just install it with your serial number and send me three numbers by e-mail stigma. ltd@g23.relcom.ru) There are new information about Computer programs competitions, analyzing previouse Computer competitions, photo of winners and from far 1991 Masstricht Olympiad. There are materials about Go-moku 13x13, Pente, and Shogi, some useful links. Many articles to download. Hope you enjoy it ! Best Regards Alexander Nosovsky [stigma.ltd@g23.relcom.ru] _____________________________________________________________________ OLEG A.MOSTOVLYANSKY'S PAGE From Oleg A.Mostovlyansky's page http://mostovlyansky.narod.ru/ierenju.html you can view e-mail championship WC2001 games and the current WC2002 games. You can also download viewers and game archives.
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 13, 2002-03-05 Highlights - RESULTS FROM SWEDISH BLITZ CHAMPIONSHIPS - RESULTS FROM SWEDISH CHAMPIONSHIPS IN GOMOKU _____________________________________________________________________ RESULTS FROM SWEDISH BLITZ CHAMPIONSHIPS (5 MIN GAMES) 1) Stefan Karlsson, Stockholm 2) Joachim Gaulitz, Stockholm 3) Anders Bertilsson, Högsjö 4) Linus Hermansson, Högsjö 5) Göran Holgersson, Jönköping 6) Björn Eriksson, Stockholm 7) Peter Jonsson, Jönköping 8) Tomas Hagenfors, Kumla 9) Martin Karlsson, Jönköping 10) Sven-Åke Pettersson, Högsjö 11) Irene Karlsson, Stockholm 12) Carl Hermansson, Högsjö 13) Albin Hermansson, Högsjö 14) Cajsa-Tora Hermansson, Högsjö 15) Thimmy Ekdahl, Jönköping 16) Karar Aimer, Kumla 17) Isac Hermansson, Högsjö The tournament was played 23 february 2002 in Hogsjo _____________________________________________________________________ RESULTS FROM SWEDISH CHAMPIONSHIPS IN GO-MOKU, RUSSIAN OPENING 1) Tomas Hagenfors, Kumla, 8.5 (9 rounds) 2) Linus Hermansson, Högsjö, 8 3) Marcus Eriksson, Högsjö, 6 4) Anders Bertilsson, Högsjö, 5.5 5) Peter Carlsson, Kumla, 5.5 6) Jörgen Rehnstedt, Borlänge, 5.5 7) Peter Widman, Arjeplog, 5 8) Sven-Åke Pettersson, Högsjö, 5 9) Linnea Widman, Arjeplog, 4.5 10) Sandra Fjellström, Arjeplog, 4.5 11) Eric Hansson, Kärna, 4 12) Adam Lindqvist, Kumla, 3 13) Albin Hermansson, Högsjö, 3 14) Samuel Junggren, Kumla, 2.5 15) Haris Mujnovic, Kumla, 1.5 16) Isac Hermansson, Högsjö, 0 The tournament was played 17-18 november 2001 in Hogsjo Notable is that Tomas Hagenfors has won the swedish championship title five times during four straight decades, the 70's, 80's, 90's and the 00's.
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 12, 2002-03-02 Highlights - ONLINE RENJU CLASS VIRTUAL CLASSROOM _____________________________________________________________________ ONLINE RENJU CLASS VIRTUAL CLASSROOM We are so happy to announce that our Online Renju Class has made one big step forward and is now completely independent from the services of other servers. We have now opened our own Virtual Classroom, where students can study renju every Thursday in realtime. It is a specially customized system that is perfect for our needs - it includes the teaching tools, membership system, communication (chat, wshipers), scrolling board, open, save (saved file readable with Renlib), DND, and lots of other functions. Students have a special option to analyze the moves on their screen during the lesson. That way they do not need to keep the real renju board beside them and they can give full attention on screen which increases the activity of participation. All the students participation checkings are automated, and in the end of the lesson the system will report which students earned credit points for the lesson. The Virtual Classroom can be downloaded from www.renjuclass.com website, under Classroom link. This system was programmed by our Renjuclass member Wenzhe Lu. He did an excellent job. Even more than I had written in the system model description. Our big thanks to him!! Also, thanks to span and longj for being so helpful in testing and debugging the server! Our next scheduled plan is to open the big renju server for online games, which supports all possible ways of access - client program, email and web access. It will also have the multilanguage support (realtime chat translator), and robot renju player. The leader of programmers team of this project is Farmer Lu from Renjuclass. This new server will be fully capable to host the email WC and any other tournaments in the future, by offerning people the email access similar to pbmserv as well as graphic client program. As for web based functions, we will unite the currently existing Play Games Server at Renjuclass with our new server. Although the new server will be combined with Renjuclass systems, I will use the domain name renju.net to be the URL of the new server once its ready. According to Farmer's prognosis, the server will be ready in 3 months. Such a wonderful opportunity for all of us! Lets's wait and see! All the suggestions are welcome! Especially, early suggestions may be more useful for us! Ando Meritee E-mail: ando@renju.net
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 11, 2002-03-02 Highlights - RENJU2002, RENJU VIEWER PROGRAM _____________________________________________________________________ Hi, Sorry my English just know a little. I'm chinese and study Russian in university. But I like Renju very much. So I want to provide a online program for show the match info of Renju. It's free. Maybe you can use it on website. If you can visit my website, I will be glad too. ^_^ I wish you like it. http://www.renju2002.comUnder the Moon 2002/03/02 Mike Guo [mike.guo@renju2002.com]
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 10, 2002-02-24 Highlights - TOURNAMENTS IN SAINT PETERSBURG _____________________________________________________________________ TOURNAMENTS IN SAINT PETERSBURG Dear renju friends, I am glad to bring to your attention the information on forthcoming tournaments in Saint Petersburg. 1. From April, 23 till April, 25 - the Open Tournament devoted to a 20-anniversary of renju in Saint Petersburg. All interested persons are invited! Evgeny Bobkov, Alexej Skuridin, Ants Soosyrv, Eldar Dzainukov are going to take part. Join! Special attention I pay the future members of combined teams in Team World Championship in Vadstena: our tournament could become excellent training before struggle for a champion rank. The tournament system is Swiss system of 7 rounds (2+3+2). 2. From May, 6 till May, 11 - the Open Russian Championship among women. Tournament system is Round-Robin system of one round. No more than 2 games per day is supposed. If the amount of participants is small, it will be possible to reduce terms of tournament or to play tournament in two rounds. If, on the contrary, the amount of participants is too great, the tournament system can be changed on Swiss. All are invited, including those who have foreign citizenship. The only restriction is a sex of participants.:-) Tournaments will be held in St.Petersburg Chess Club named after Chigorin which, I think, is already well-known to you. The Club is situated on Bol'shaya Konyushennaya street (former Zhelyabova street) near to the Nevsky prospect and from the Kazansky Cathedral. As a place of staying of participants Academicheskaya hotel is offered, which is located in 10-15 minutes walking both from Club and from the Palace Square. The prices for staying are known not completely meanwhile, but preliminary I can tell that the place in 2-persons room is 150 roubles and in 1-person room is 200 roubles per day. I shall keep you posted in all changes. With the best regards, Pavel Salnikov [psalnikov@hotmail.com]
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 9, 2002-02-16 Highlights - RENJUVCF PROGRAM _____________________________________________________________________ RENJUVCF PROGRAM I am a renju programer, I've finished a program "renjuVCF", which could solve all the VCF problems I've met. The most difficult one need only less then 2 minutes. I've posted it on the web http://math.temple.edu/~wen/renju/vcf With this program you will never wonder about weather a VCF exists or not for the comming problems, and you can find such an solution in no time if it does exist. If you need it, just go to http://math.temple.edu/~wen/renju/vcf download it for free. Good Luck to renju and you all wen [wen@math.temple.edu]
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 8, 2002-02-02 Highlights - E-MAIL WC RIF _____________________________________________________________________ E-MAIL WC RIF Dear friends, World Championship in Renju by E-mail starts !!! 98 players from Japan, Sweden, Russia, Estonia, Ukraine, Korea, USA, China, Litvenia, Finland, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Israel are take part. The World Champion in E-mail Konstantin Nikonov (Russia) will try to defense his title of the best Internet player ! Information WC via e-mail will start in follow group: Final of 7-th World Renju Championship via e-mail Name Country UserId email Group K.Nikonov (RUS) vanalaud nikonov@elsite.ru a Zhang Jinyu (CHI) freefish zhjyrenju@263.net a V.Lunkin (RUS) lunkin vitall@land.ru a M.Kozhin (RUS) jenaro jenaro@mail.ru a E.Bobkov (RUS) bobkove e.bobkov@etrust.ru a V.Dvoeglazov (RUS) dvoeglazov dvoeglazov@mail.ru a P.Salnikov (RUS) psalnikov psalnikov@hotmail.com a A.Soosorv (EST) asoosorv asoosyrv@hotmail.com a A.Nosovsky (RUS) nosovs stigma.ltd@g23.relcom.ru a O.Fedorkin (RUS) fedorkin fedorkin@xiosbio.com a L.Laibinis (LIT) llaibini llaibini@abo.fi a S.Filippov (RUS) filippov s.fil@g23.relcom.ru a Last 6 will leave final in next year. Semifinals of 8-th World Renju Championship via e-mail Name Country UserId email E-Mail Rating Group Makarov Pavel (RUS) mak pamak@mail.ru 2352 b Chen Wei (CHI) chinastar chinastar_chen@263.net 2298 b Dzainukov Eldar (AZR) dem dzainukti@azeurotel.com 2286 b Turko Sergey (RUS) sturko Sturko@comail.ru 2286 b Ibragimova Mariam (RUS) mariam agydel@veernet.iol.ru 2264 b Yamamoto M. (JAP) myamamoto VET01665@nifty.ne.jp 2240 b Golosov Viktor (RUS) golosov vant@orc.ru 2224 b Vershinin Pavel (RUS) pavel renmiv@atnet.ru 2208 b Kazarin Mikhail (RUS) mike renmiv@atnet.ru 2124 b Artemiev Sergey (SPb) (RUS) artemievs artemievs@mail.ru 2049 b Lu Fanghai (CHI) lujiu lu_05776954@sina.com 2348 c Klimachev Oleg (RUS) klimatchev olegvk@mail.ru 2300 c Medjid Abdul (TUR) abmedj abmedj@hotmail.com 2287 c Zaytsev Vjacheslav (RUS) slava slava_mail@mailru.com 2266 c Barykin Viktor (RUS) vbarykin matheux@vstu.ru 2260 c Salnikova Nonna (RUS) nonna snonna@hotmail.com 2242 c Nazarov Vladimir (UKR) vnazarov vnaz@svitonline.com 2240 c Filinov Vladimir (RUS) vfilinov vlad@uland.com 2156 c Hasegawa Kazuto (JAP) uo9man uo9man@mve.biglobe.ne.jp 2094 c Sinyov Igor (RUS) sinyovi rensini@yahoo.com 2089 c First 3+3 will play final in next year. Last 4+4 will leave semifinal in next year. Quarterfinals of 8-th World Renju Championship via e-mail Name Country UserId email E-Mail Rating Group Vodolazsky Konstantin Russia vodolazsky vodolazsky_k@mail.ru 2234 d Lebedeva Yelena Russia elena renmiv@atnet.ru 2031 d Tatarintsev Sergey Russia homa exrawinc@cityline.ru 1946 d Lipsits Alex USA alipsits alipsits@bakupages.com 1659 d Epifanov Dmitriy Russia owen owene@pisem.net 0 d Heybatov Nizami Azerbayjan nheybatov nheybatov@yahoo.com 0 d Hongdeok-Seo Korea tjghdejr shd414@hanmail.net 0 d Long Zeng China longzeng ldljzfg@21cn.com 0 d Ma GuangZhzo China homework homework252@yahoo.com.cn 0 d Yang Meng China frogmeng renjubaby@yeah.net 0 d Youning Han China Icesword babooshcn@yahoo.com.cn 0 d Eriksson Bjorn Sweden bje b__eriksson@hotmail.com 2168 e Kolesnik Victor Ukraine kvik kvi@tm.odessa.ua 2014 e Karapetyan Gurgen Armenia barents arka@xar.am 1904 e Cui Yue China cui_yue_bj cui_yue_bj@yahoo.com.cn 1646 e Chen Shoude China yyfcsd yyfcsd@21cn.com 0 e Fedulina Tanja Russia tanja fedulina@smtp.ru 0 e Kim Chang-hoon Korea heroabro heroabro@hanmail.net 0 e Luo Dan China solidsnake luodan@hkusua.hku.hk 0 e Qijin Hou China caihou caihou@yahoo.com.cn 0 e Yang Xuzl China yangxuzl yangxuzl@yahoo.com.cn 0 e Yu Xue Li China xlili x_lisa@sina.com 0 e Gevorkyan Hovik Armenia hovik arka@xar.am 2160 f Sorokina Oksana Russia oksana renmiv@atnet.ru 2040 f Kadyrov Georgiy Russia inkass nica@net5.ru 1900 f Poddubny Konstantin Ukraine underouk02 underouk@gala.net 1695 f Cheng Mu China moocheng mooch77@sina.com 0 f Kauppinen Niko Finland blind blindone@luukku.com 0 f Liu Chao China LiuChao mordy@x263.net 0 f Potapov Alexey Russia apotapov a-potapov@yandex.ru 0 f Qingxiang Liu China aspline aspline@x263.net 0 f Wuyue Sheng China wyshlawyer wyshlawyer@yahoo.com.cn 0 f Zhao Jianxin China guminzhao guminzhao@yahoo.com.cn 0 f Lents Johann Estonia lents johancik@hotmail.com 2126 g Karapetyan Aram Armenia aramarka arka@xar.am 2051 g Yegorov Vitaly Russia spice Spicye@narod.ru 1859 g Manukyan Mher Armenia mamh kmher@freenet.am 1698 g Chuancheng Li China ccwn renjunewbie@sohu.com 0 g Hermansson Hannes Sweden bateman hanher-1@student.luth.se 0 g Lin Wen Sheng China snowflower jmxhlin@sohu.com 0 g Purk Andry Estonia andry Purk@mail.ee 0 g Shenyi China bighippo bighippo@citiz.net 0 g Wenzhe Lu China luwenzhe wenzhelu@ee.eng.ohio-state.edu 0 g Zhao Jianxin China guminzhao guminzhao@eyou.com 0 g Stepanov Oleg & his Computer program Russia stepanov olegstepanov@mail.ru 2095 h Savrasova Yuliya Russia julia renmiv@atnet.ru 2094 h Gluhovsky Leonid Israel leonid leonid@pobox.com 1841 h Yamamoto Keisuke Japan itty ymmt@kcn.ne.jp 1774 h Eggert Ester Estonia eeggert ester@surfdata.ee 0 h Gulyaev Igor Ukraine gulyaev ig@farlep.mk.ua 0 h Hong Gang China fourthree hong_gang@yahoo.com 0 h Huoyu Cen China crying cryingfreely2002@yahoo.com.cn 0 h Sun Chengmin China scm2000 scmrenju@hotmail.com 0 h Wang Tengfei China wang-yuxi wang-yuxi@163.com 0 h Zhou Peiqiu China orange zhou_peiqiu@163.com 0 h Nekrasov Denis Russia denis renmiv@atnet.ru 2094 i Metreveli Irina Russia irina renmiv@atnet.ru 2063 i Taimla Tunnet Estonia tank renjuboy@htomail.com 1786 i Alexandrov Viktor Russia alexv vik_alex@hotmail.com 1766 i Huasheng Feng China gauss98 fenghs@water.pku.edu.cn 0 i Ilu Timo Estonia reigo Timo.Ilu@mail.ee 0 i Li Rui Fan China chinawolf chinawolf_2000@sina.com 0 i Nite Steven USA XnSpeed XnSpeed@lycos.com 0 i Wang Rui China mot ruixing@163.com 0 i Wang Xiang Dong China jn_gz jn_gz@hotmail.com 0 i Zhou Xuan China span span3000@hotmail.com 0 i First 2+2+2+2+2+2 will play semifinal in next year. Regards Alexander Nosovsky [stigma.ltd@g23.relcom.ru]
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 7, 2002-02-01 Highlights - NEWS ABOUT ONLINE RENJU CLASS _____________________________________________________________________ NEWS ABOUT ONLINE RENJU CLASS http://www.renjuclass.com, http://renju.net -- The 2nd Online Renju Class Tournament finished. We are glad to announce that the The 2nd Online Renju Class Tournament is finished. There were 37 players taking part in the tournament. It is very good rate of participation - over 1/3 of renjuclass members took part (Renjuclass has over 100 active members). The tournament had 20 rounds. The top three: 1. Sun Chengmin, China (username: scm2000) - 18p 2. Chang-hoon Kim, Korea (username: heroabro) - 18p 3. Vladimir Dvoeglazov, Russia (username: dvoeglaz) - 18p The games were played in special Tournament Server under www. renjuclass.com, with specially customized graphic interface, and automated clocks for counting players time. By default, players got 40 days of thinking time for games. More information about the tournament can be found in www.renjuclass.com, under Tournament menu, or using direct link You can also download all the games of the tournament in "renlib" format. You can also log in to Tournament Server as "guest" and look around there, view games, and read the discussions. -- On February 7, Online Renju Class will make a next step towards serious and high level renju school - we will publish users real names, in order to integrate us to the real world of renju, to RIF, to tournaments, and to rating lists. We want let people know about our great students, to make them more famous. After that, it will be easier to add the renjuclass tournament results to world internet ratinglist, without having any duplicate names. -- There are lots of good and interesting articles available under Articles menu in www.renjuclass.com. These are not only written by me, but also by other people. Among the articles, you can read the very fresh article about Baltic League 2002, with nice story and games diagrams, written by Igor Samotsvetov, member of renjuclass. -- We already have 12 Grand Masters in our renjuclass. You can read more about it under the link called Grand Masters. We have already published the profiles of 4 Grand Masters, including interviews, games comments, photos. Soon we will add more profiles. Grand Masters are the honorable members of our large community that has over 100 members today. If you want to ask us anything, or make comments, you are welcome to use Message Boards of our renjuclass website. We are happy to keep in touch with all of you, dear renju fans! Mind Sports Worldwide has published Online Renju Class under "Recommended Links". http://www.msoworld.com/mindzine/learn_index.html This is a very good opportunity for us to introduce Renju to the wordwide community of fans of intellectual games. Hopefully more people will get to know about Renju and love this game. Sincerely, Ando Meritee email: ando@renju.net
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 6, 2002-02-01 Highlights - CRUZ PLAYING PROGRAM - GO-MOKU _____________________________________________________________________ CRUZ PLAYING PROGRAM - GO-MOKU Cruz is a program for playing Noughts & Crosses. The objective of the game is to get five of your symbols (either noughts or crosses) in a row before your opponent. You can play either the computer or a human opponent over a local network or over the internet. Site address: http://www.cruzgame.com/
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 5, 2002-01-29 Highlights - BALTIC LEAGUE IN JONKOPING 26-27.01.2002 _____________________________________________________________________ BALTIC LEAGUE IN JONKOPING 26-27.01.2002 This tournament gathered players from three countries: Sweden, Estonia and Russia. We played 7 rounds Swiss system. Three players were a little bit outstanding this time, Soosorv, Lents and Holgersson. For quite a long time Lents looked like the winner because the game Soosorv – Karlsson developed into a draw position. But in the end a mistake by Karlsson made Soosorv the winner of the game and of the whole tournament. It was more or less expected results except from Karlsson and Gaulitz. Both of them finished on 4 points. The results: 1. Ants Soosorv Estonia 6 points (29) 2. Johann Lents Estonia 6 (28) 3. Goran Holgersson Sweden 6 (27) 4. Igor Samotsvetov Russia 4.5 (24) 5. Martin Carlsson Sweden 4.5 (21.5) 6. Stefan Karlsson Sweden 4 (30) 7. Peter Jonsson Sweden 4 (27.5) 8. Joachim Gaulitz Sweden 4 (26) 9. Björn Eriksson Sweden 4 (25) 10. Martin Karlsson Sweden 4 (19) 11. Irene Karlsson Sweden 3.5 (28) 12. Ester Eggert Estonia 3.5 (21.5) 13. Mikk Oblikas Estonia 3 (23) 14. Jorgen Rehnstedt Sweden 3 (21/7.75) 15. Sander Sulane Estonia 3 (21/5) 16. Alvar Timmermann Estonia 3 (18.5) 17. Leif Larsson Sweden 3 (17.5) 18. Trinn Rannas Estonia 2.5 (18.5) 19. Priit Ohlo Estonia 2.5 (15.5) 20. Marje Mets Estonia 2 21. Thimmy Ekdahl Sweden 1.5 (17.5) 22. Mikael Johansson Sweden 1.5 (11.5) 23. Niklas Andersson Sweden 1 Peter Jonsson, Referee
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 4, 2002-01-21 Highlights - ST.PETERSBURG CUP - NIZHNY NOVGOROD CHAMPIONSHIP & NIZHNY NOVGOROD OPEN _____________________________________________________________________ ST.PETERSBURG CUP On January, 12 the 16-th St.Petersburg Cup tournament was finished. In final match of 4 games Aleksandr Klimashin won against Vladimir Sushkov with the score 3-1 and became the Cup Winner! Semifinal results: Klimashin - Artemiyev - 2.5-0.5 Sushkov - Aleksandrov - 3-1 Sincerely yours, Pavel Salnikov _____________________________________________________________________ NIZHNY NOVGOROD CHAMPIONSHIP & NIZHNY NOVGOROD OPEN The 16-th Nizhny Novgorod championship is over. There were 8 players in the final. 1 place - Kareev Vladislav; 2 place - Karasev Maxim; 3 place - Petrovsky Dmitry; 4 place - Skuridin Alexey. The Nizhny Novgorod open will be held March 15 - 17. Everybody are welcome. For more information write to alexey_skuridin@hotmail.com Friendly yours, A. Skuridin.
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 3, 2002-01-20 Highlights - TEAM WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP IN VADSTENA, SWEDEN _____________________________________________________________________ TEAM WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP IN VADSTENA, SWEDEN 28TH OF APRIL - 3RD OF MAY 2002 The 2002 Team World Championship (TWC) is planned to be held from Sunday 28th of April to Friday 3rd of May. 4th of May will be departure day. The TWC will be played in Vadstena. It is a small cosy town about 250 km southwest from Stockholm. Tournament System ================= The teams consist of up to five players (4 + 1 reserve). Different systems will be used depending on how many teams will join. Who can take part ================= All nations can take part with one team. Russia (as champion) and Sweden (as organiser) can take part with two teams. Travel within Sweden ==================== From Arlanda airport, north from Stockholm, the best way will probably be to go by bus to Mjölby (about 5 hours) and from there we will get you by car to Vadstena(about half an hour). Living in Vadstena ================== All prices in SEK and for one night 1. Hotel about 900-1250 /person 2. Boarding house Double room 500-800 Single room 300-450 3. "The Birgitta sisters" (nun-place) Double room about 500 Single room about 250 4. Youth Hostel 150-200 / person 5. Camp cottages 2 beds 300 4 beds 475 Camp cottages and one of the youth hostels are situated a little bit outside Vadstena. All other alternatives are really close to the tournament place. Tournament fee: SEK 600 per team Please give information about what alternative you will chose for your stay during the TWC-week, preferably at the latest 15th of February. Please also inform about your arrival and departure times. Visa? ===== If you need invitation from us, please tell us what you need to be included. Registration ============ Please send your registration, information and questions to: Peter Jonsson or Stefan Karlsson E-mail: petejonsson@hotmail.com skire@bredband.net Phone: +46 36 136735 + 46 8 53184136
____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 2, 2002-01-13 Highlights - NEW POLISH SITE - NEW SWEDISH SITE - SWEDISH RATING SITE MOVED _____________________________________________________________________ NEW POLISH SITE I've seen you've included a link to a Polish website Cronix which has a game gomoku. I'd like to ask you to include a link my site as well. The site is available at http://www.kurnik.pl/ and there are usually more online players than at the Cronix site. Moreover, it is much simpler (has no redundant graphics, etc.) Thanks. Marek _____________________________________________________________________ NEW SWEDISH SITE There is a new swedish game site ( tv4.se ) http://www.tv4.se/nav_innehall.asp?nav=3&innehall=/spel/spel.asp where you can play games such as Go-moku (sw. Luffarschack), Othello, Chess (sw. Schack), Yatzy and others. There are tournaments in Othello. This site is under development. Currently the board size for Go-moku is too small, but it will be increased later on. _____________________________________________________________________ SWEDISH RATING SITE MOVED The site has moved to http://w1.611.telia.com/~u61103681/SLSFs_Rankingkommitte.html and is updated with latest tournaments.
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 1, 2002-01-06 Highlights - NAKAMURA WON!! _____________________________________________________________________ NAKAMURA WON!! - By Ando Meritee The 39th Meijin Match is over. Shigeru Nakamura won the Match against Kazuto Hasegawa with the score 2.5 - 0.5. Excellent play by Nakamura! He remains the best, unbeatable!! The last game was played earlier today, beginning at 10am Japan time. The game record is here:
Nakamura was white. The opening variant surprised me. I expected Hasegawa to play more aggressive in order to stop Nakamura from winning the match. I do not know exactly what was Hasegawa's plan, but from what I see from the moves they played, Hasegawa seemed to have no preparation for this opening. Moves 1-18 are typical theory. White advantage has been proved here. Moves 19 and 21 tried to lead to positional style, but it does not work here because black does not have enough structures to keep it up. By the 27th move black has lost control over the position already. By the 36th move Nakamura took over the attack. From that point, Hasegawa began to fight well, and made several good defense moves. However, Nakamura was careful, and avoided careless attack. He tried to balance lower side instead, and used upper side material to connect with left side space. Although Hasegawa defended well, there was nothing to do stop white going to upper side. Move 62 - preparing lines and space. Move 68 - amazing move! Definitely the most beautiful move in whole match! White was attacking two different overlines at the same time. Black could block only against one of them. The game ended after 72nd move, catching overline! Great Nakamura! I admire the way he plays renju! Thanks to both Nakamura and Hasegawa for these wonderful games! Congratulations to Nakamura for defending the Meijin title with excellent score!
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