Statistics for, Week of 2006-1-16 to 2006-1-22


Top 10 of 134 Browsers (User Agents), Sorted by Access Count

Rank Product Accesses % Bytes % Visits %
1 MSIE 6.0 25,257 48.62 201,269,461 23.90 1,963 58.55
2 FAST Enterprise Crawler 6 used by Schibsted Sok 8,271 15.92 264,949,253 31.46 15 0.47
3 Googlebot/2.1 3,679 7.08 108,229,350 12.85 88 2.63
4 Mozilla/5.0 3,153 6.07 47,888,265 5.69 246 7.36
5 Yahoo! Slurp 3,109 5.98 54,013,244 6.41 114 3.41
6 Mozilla/4.0 1,423 2.74 3,740,351 0.44 163 4.88
7 Googlebot/2.1 1,251 2.41 25,188,527 2.99 228 6.82
8 Googlebot-Image/1.0 1,000 1.92 21,348,376 2.53 31 0.95
9 ia_archiver 896 1.72 27,668,021 3.29 6 0.20
10 msnbot/1.0 891 1.72 20,127,585 2.39 129 3.87